Google Tag Manager vs Segment

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Google Tag Manager

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Google Tag Manager vs Segment: What are the differences?


When it comes to managing and analyzing data for online platforms, Google Tag Manager and Segment are two popular tools that offer solutions.

  1. Data Sources and Integrations: Google Tag Manager primarily focuses on collecting and managing data from various tags and scripts installed on a website. It offers built-in integrations with Google Analytics, AdWords, and other Google products. In contrast, Segment acts as a customer data infrastructure that allows you to collect data from multiple sources like websites, mobile apps, and servers, and send it to various destinations such as analytics tools, data warehouses, and marketing platforms.

  2. Flexibility and Customization: Google Tag Manager provides a user-friendly interface for marketers to add, edit, and manage tags without needing developer intervention. However, it has limitations in terms of customizing data flows and processing. On the other hand, Segment offers more flexibility and customization options through its robust API and user-defined schemas. Users can create tailored data pipelines and transformations according to their specific needs.

  3. Real-Time Data Streaming: While Google Tag Manager focuses on collecting and processing data in batch mode, Segment specializes in real-time data streaming. This allows businesses to analyze and act upon incoming data immediately, enabling personalized user experiences, dynamic segmentation, and timely decision-making.

  4. Data Governance and Compliance Features: Segment provides advanced features for data governance, security, and compliance, such as data permissions, user roles, and privacy controls. These capabilities ensure that businesses can adhere to regulatory requirements and protect customer data effectively. Google Tag Manager, while secure, lacks the same level of granular control over data access and management.

  5. Cost Structure: Google Tag Manager is free to use for basic tag management services, making it accessible to small businesses and individuals. However, the cost can increase as more advanced features and services are needed. In contrast, Segment operates on a subscription-based model, offering tiered pricing based on the volume of data processed and the number of integrations utilized. This can be advantageous for scaling businesses with diverse data management needs.

  6. Implementation Complexity: Google Tag Manager is relatively easy to set up and use, especially for users familiar with Google's ecosystem. It requires minimal technical expertise and can be deployed quickly on websites. In contrast, Segment may have a steeper learning curve due to its powerful features and comprehensive data management capabilities. Users might need more time and resources to fully leverage its potential.

In Summary, Google Tag Manager and Segment differ in data sources and integrations, flexibility, real-time data streaming, data governance features, cost structure, and implementation complexity. Each tool caters to distinct data management needs, offering unique advantages and challenges for businesses to consider when choosing a solution.

Advice on Google Tag Manager and Segment
Iva Obrovac
Product Marketing Manager at Martian & Machine · | 8 upvotes · 76K views


This is a question for best practice regarding Segment and Google Tag Manager. I would love to use Segment and GTM together when we need to implement a lot of additional tools, such as Amplitude, Appsfyler, or any other engagement tool since we can send event data without additional SDK implementation, etc.

So, my question is, if you use Segment and Google Tag Manager, how did you define what you will push through Segment and what will you push through Google Tag Manager? For example, when implementing a Facebook Pixel or any other 3rd party marketing tag?

From my point of view, implementing marketing pixels should stay in GTM because of the tag/trigger control.

If you are using Segment and GTM together, I would love to learn more about your best practice.


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Replies (1)
Ruben Lozano
Growth Marketing Specialist at Ruben Lozano Me · | 4 upvotes · 2.6K views

Hello Iva,

I think it is a good exercise to think about this framework once you start to add tags, triggers, and parameters and connect data between different tools (Amplitude, Google Ads, Linkedin Ads, Twitter Ads). I really love a post where Daniel Wolchonok shared a video about the Data Stack at Reforge ( My suggestion and what I see in other startups, centralise everything in one platform, Segment, and then send data whatever you need. Allow Google Tag Manager to be the tool for marketers and don't allow them to use Segment (I am a marketer). It is good that marketers have the freedom to set up tags and triggers for conversions and audiences but it is good that they don't have access to everything. So, I found it very simple to do it that way, Segment for everything and then connect Segment with Google Tag Manager where Google Tag Manager will allow marketers to work on the events, conversions, tracking, pixels, etc.

I hope you find this helpful. I will try to work on creating basic documentation to collect all of that information. I found really interesting for many startups at the beginning.


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Pros of Google Tag Manager
Pros of Segment
    Be the first to leave a pro
    • 86
      Easy to scale and maintain 3rd party services
    • 49
      One API
    • 39
    • 25
      Multiple integrations
    • 19
      Cleanest API
    • 10
    • 9
    • 8
      Mixpanel Integration
    • 7
      Segment SQL
    • 6
    • 4
      Google Analytics Integration
    • 2
      Salesforce Integration
    • 2
      SQL Access
    • 2
      Clean Integration with Application
    • 1
      Own all your tracking data
    • 1
      Quick setup
    • 1
      Clearbit integration
    • 1
      Beautiful UI
    • 1
      Integrates with Apptimize
    • 1
    • 1
      Woopra Integration

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    Cons of Google Tag Manager
    Cons of Segment
      Be the first to leave a con
      • 2
        Not clear which events/options are integration-specific
      • 1
        Limitations with integration-specific configurations
      • 1
        Client-side events are separated from server-side

      Sign up to add or upvote consMake informed product decisions

      What is Google Tag Manager?

      Tag Manager gives you the ability to add and update your own tags for conversion tracking, site analytics, remarketing, and more. There are nearly endless ways to track user behavior across your sites and apps, and the intuitive design lets you change tags whenever you want.

      What is Segment?

      Segment is a single hub for customer data. Collect your data in one place, then send it to more than 100 third-party tools, internal systems, or Amazon Redshift with the flip of a switch.

      Need advice about which tool to choose?Ask the StackShare community!

      What companies use Google Tag Manager?
      What companies use Segment?
      See which teams inside your own company are using Google Tag Manager or Segment.
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      What tools integrate with Google Tag Manager?
      What tools integrate with Segment?

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      Jul 2 2019 at 9:34PM


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      What are some alternatives to Google Tag Manager and Segment?
      Google Analytics
      Google Analytics lets you measure your advertising ROI as well as track your Flash, video, and social networking sites and applications.
      Mixpanel helps companies build better products through data. With our powerful, self-serve product analytics solution, teams can easily analyze how and why people engage, convert, and retain to improve their user experience.
      Facebook Pixel
      A code that you place on your website. It collects data that helps you track conversions from Facebook ads
      Ensighten is a comprehensive website security company, offering next generation compliance, enforcement and client-side protection against data loss, ad injection and intrusion.
      See how visitors are really using your website, collect user feedback and turn more visitors into customers.
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