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Adobe Photoshop

The industry standard in design, photography, video editing & more
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What is Adobe Photoshop?

It is the best in the world of graphic design and image processing software that will realize any of your ideas. Create and enhance photos, illustrations and 3D graphic objects.
Adobe Photoshop is a tool in the Graphic Design category of a tech stack.

Who uses Adobe Photoshop?

334 companies reportedly use Adobe Photoshop in their tech stacks, including E-Commerce, Papara, and Bunch.

1791 developers on StackShare have stated that they use Adobe Photoshop.

Adobe Photoshop Integrations

Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD, Zeplin, Brackets, and Windows 10 are some of the popular tools that integrate with Adobe Photoshop. Here's a list of all 16 tools that integrate with Adobe Photoshop.
Pros of Adobe Photoshop
Photo editing
You can use it for anything related to graphics
Magic wand
Pen Tool
Easy to crack
Raster-based Image Editing Software

Adobe Photoshop's Features

  • Stroke Smoothing
  • Brushes from Kyle T. Webster
  • Better Brush Organization
  • Color and Luminance Range Masking
  • Access Lightroom Photos
  • Quickly Share Creations
  • Quick Share Menu
  • Variable Fonts.

Adobe Photoshop Alternatives & Comparisons

What are some alternatives to Adobe Photoshop?
Adobe Illustrator
The industry-standard vector graphics app lets you create logos, icons, sketches, typography, and complex illustrations for print, web, interactive, video, and mobile.
Adobe Lightroom
It is a cloud-based service for people who love photography, it gives you everything you need to edit, organize, store, and share your photos across desktop, mobile, and web.
Affinity Photo
It is born to work hand-in-hand with the latest powerful computer technology, it’s fully-loaded photo editor integrated across macOS, Windows and iOS.
Adobe XD
A vector-based tool developed and published by Adobe Inc for designing and prototyping user experience for web and mobile apps.
JavaScript is most known as the scripting language for Web pages, but used in many non-browser environments as well such as node.js or Apache CouchDB. It is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm scripting language that is dynamic,and supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.
See all alternatives

Adobe Photoshop's Followers
1425 developers follow Adobe Photoshop to keep up with related blogs and decisions.