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Decisions 3

Shawn Varughese

We chose MongoDB because in our testing it is much faster on performance. It also is very flexible with its document-based DB that does not need a relationship. Also with the SDK its very each to build interfaces and create CRUD functions. Also, it can be deployed and ran anywhere instead of only one specific cloud provider making us more cloud agnostic

8 5.9K

Shawn Varughese

we went with typescript because it gave us more control over our classes and the variables. This allowed us to build standards and to make sure everyone was following it properly as well as made it easier to send standard data across and validate it. If we just went with pure Node.js this allows for a lot of flexibility with the variables which made it much harder to keep everything consistent and validate it. Also, the benefit of using TypeScript and having that validation is writing less code than just doing it javascript manually

5 23.7K

Shawn Varughese

Stripe was made with developers in mind first so the extensibility of it is great! This makes it very easy for us to integrate and automate as much as we need with its APIs and SDK. It allows a lot of customization of exactly what we need to build our applications. They also manage all of our customers from a tax and accounting perspective which makes it easy from a business standpoint.

4 155.9K