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A free, open-source process supervision tool
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What is Monit?

It can monitor and manage distributed computer systems, conduct automatic maintenance and repair and execute meaningful causal actions in error situations.
Monit is a tool in the Monitoring Tools category of a tech stack.

Who uses Monit?

13 companies reportedly use Monit in their tech stacks, including, checkmk, and ApisCP.

66 developers on StackShare have stated that they use Monit.

Monit Integrations

Slack, HipChat, Netdata, FreeBSD, and Pushover are some of the popular tools that integrate with Monit. Here's a list of all 5 tools that integrate with Monit.

Monit's Features

  • Responsive UI
  • Control Services Remotely
  • Services Monitoring modes

Monit Alternatives & Comparisons

What are some alternatives to Monit?
Nagios is a host/service/network monitoring program written in C and released under the GNU General Public License.
Zabbix is a mature and effortless enterprise-class open source monitoring solution for network monitoring and application monitoring of millions of metrics.
Prometheus is a systems and service monitoring system. It collects metrics from configured targets at given intervals, evaluates rule expressions, displays the results, and can trigger alerts if some condition is observed to be true.
It allows its users to monitor and control a number of processes on UNIX-like operating systems. It shares some of the same goals of programs like launchd, daemontools, and runit. it is meant to be used to control processes related to a project or a customer, and is meant to start like any other program at boot time.
Munin is a networked resource monitoring tool that can help analyze resource trends and "what just happened to kill our performance?" problems. It is designed to be very plug and play. A default installation provides a lot of graphs with almost no work.
See all alternatives

Monit's Followers
54 developers follow Monit to keep up with related blogs and decisions.