Avatar of Paurush Rai

Paurush Rai

Full Stack Developer at Fuelbuddy
Full Stack Developer at Fuelbuddy·
Needs advice

Need advice on this.

Which one should I use for logging and error monitoring ( Datadog / Sentry / Stackdriver )?

Open to any other solutions.

4 upvotes·7.3K views
Replies (1)
DevOps Manager at AI21 Labs·
  1. Stackdriver is no longer a product on it's own. It's the "Monitoring" feature in Google cloud. If you're on Google cloud - it's the easiest way to set up logging.
  2. Datadog is one of the 3 most expensive tools for logging, It's a SaaS product like Splunk and New Relic. Only use them if you have high budget and consider your logs at least as holy as the bible.
  3. Sentry is not related to logging, but it can report errors and crashes in your application. Mixing up those tools tells me you're not really familiar with monitoring in general. I suggest learning a bit more, it's easy to get monitoring wrong and ending up shipping and storing masses of useless logs. Good luck.
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