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AfterShip vs Parcel: What are the differences?


AfterShip and Parcel are both shipment tracking platforms that help businesses and individuals track their packages. While both platforms offer similar services, there are key differences between the two. Below are the main differences between AfterShip and Parcel.

  1. Number of Supported Couriers: AfterShip supports over 740 couriers worldwide, including major carriers like UPS, FedEx, DHL, and USPS. Parcel, on the other hand, supports over 400 carriers worldwide. This means that AfterShip has a wider reach and can track packages from a larger number of courier services.

  2. Customizable Tracking Page: AfterShip provides users the ability to create a fully customizable tracking page where they can add their branding elements, custom URL, and tracking statuses. Parcel, on the other hand, does not offer the same level of customization and users have limited control over the appearance of their tracking page.

  3. Notifications and Alerts: AfterShip offers automated notifications and alerts to keep customers informed about the status of their shipments via email, SMS, webhook, or push notifications. Parcel also provides notifications, but the options are more limited compared to AfterShip.

  4. Delivery Time Analysis: AfterShip provides insights and analytics on delivery time performance for different carriers. Users can generate reports to analyze carrier performance and identify areas of improvement. Parcel does not offer the same level of delivery time analysis and performance tracking.

  5. API Integration: AfterShip offers a comprehensive API that enables easy integration of shipment tracking features into other applications or websites. Parcel also provides an API but the documentation and features are not as extensive as AfterShip's.

  6. Pricing: AfterShip offers both free and premium plans, with the premium plans offering additional features and higher usage limits. Parcel, on the other hand, follows a subscription-based pricing model with different tiers based on the number of shipments. This means that Parcel may be more cost-effective for businesses with lower shipment volumes, while AfterShip's free plan makes it more accessible for individuals or smaller businesses.

In summary, AfterShip supports a larger number of couriers, offers a customizable tracking page, provides extensive delivery time analysis, has a more comprehensive API, and offers a free plan. Parcel, on the other hand, has a subscription-based pricing model, offers more limited customization options for tracking pages, and has a slightly smaller carrier support network.

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Pros of AfterShip
Pros of Parcel
  • 1
    Great Support
  • 10
    Zero configuration
  • 8
    Built-in dev server with livereload

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Cons of AfterShip
Cons of Parcel
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    • 3
      Lack of documentation

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    - No public GitHub repository available -

    What is AfterShip?

    AfterShip provides shipment tracking API for online retailers, supporting 200 carriers worldwide.

    What is Parcel?

    Parcel is a web application bundler, differentiated by its developer experience. It offers blazing fast performance utilizing multicore processing, and requires zero configuration.

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    What are some alternatives to AfterShip and Parcel?
    ShipStation is a web-based software designed to help eCommerce retailers process, fulfill, and ship their orders from all the most popular marketplaces and shopping carts using all the top carriers.
    Shopify powers tens of thousands of online retailers including General Electric, Amnesty International, CrossFit, Tesla Motors, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Foo Fighters, GitHub, and more. Our platform allows users to easily and quickly create their own online store without all the technical work involved in developing their own website, or the huge expense of having someone else build it. Shopify lets merchants manage all aspects of their shops: uploading products, changing the design, accepting credit card orders, and viewing their incoming orders and completed transactions.
    Get labels and discounted rates from 14+ domestic and international carriers using our shipping API or apps.
    Add shipping APIs to your application in minutes instead of weeks. Get the best shipping rates by unlocking every major carrier in one simple integration.
    Now it's faster and easier than ever to verify addresses on your website. Help your customers provide valid address data by verifying it in real-time with our API. Display multiple matches if the address is ambiguous, and alert them when the address is invalid. Your shipments will be cheaper and arrive faster, and your customers will be satisfied knowing that their addresses were submitted correctly the first time.
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