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Apache Thrift

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Apache Thrift vs REST: What are the differences?


Apache Thrift and REST are both used for creating APIs, but they differ in several ways. Here are the key differences between Apache Thrift and REST:

  1. Wire Protocol:

    • Apache Thrift uses a binary wire protocol, while REST typically uses JSON or XML.
    • The binary wire protocol used by Apache Thrift is more efficient in terms of bandwidth usage and processing speed compared to the textual formats used by REST.
  2. Data Serialization:

    • Apache Thrift defines its own data serialization format, which is optimized for efficiency.
    • In contrast, REST relies on standard formats like JSON or XML for data serialization, which can be less efficient in terms of space and processing.
  3. Service Definition:

    • Apache Thrift uses a service definition language to define its APIs, which allows for the automatic generation of client code and server stubs.
    • REST does not have a specific service definition language and relies on documentation to define its APIs.
  4. Language Support:

    • Apache Thrift supports a wide range of programming languages, including C++, Java, Python, and more.
    • REST is language-agnostic and can be used with any programming language that supports HTTP.
  5. Error Handling:

    • Apache Thrift provides built-in support for error handling, with the ability to define custom exceptions.
    • REST relies on HTTP status codes for error handling, without any standardized mechanism for defining custom exceptions.
  6. Performance and Scalability:

    • Apache Thrift is designed for high-performance and scalable applications, with features like connection pooling and binary protocols optimized for efficiency.
    • REST is more lightweight and simpler, making it easier to implement, but it may not be as performant or scalable as Apache Thrift in certain scenarios.

In Summary, Apache Thrift differs from REST in terms of wire protocol, data serialization, service definition, language support, error handling, and performance/scalability.

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    What is Apache Thrift?

    The Apache Thrift software framework, for scalable cross-language services development, combines a software stack with a code generation engine to build services that work efficiently and seamlessly between C++, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Erlang, Perl, Haskell, C#, Cocoa, JavaScript, Node.js, Smalltalk, OCaml and Delphi and other languages.

    What is REST?

    An architectural style for developing web services. A distributed system framework that uses Web protocols and technologies.

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