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Apiary vs Docsify vs Swagger UI: What are the differences?

  1. Integration Capabilities: Apiary provides seamless integration with various API lifecycle tools and platforms, making it easier to manage and maintain APIs throughout their lifecycle. On the other hand, Docsify focuses on providing a simple and easy-to-use documentation platform without extensive integration capabilities. Swagger UI also offers integration capabilities but may require more customization for specific use cases.

  2. Customization Options: One of the key differences between the three tools is the level of customization they offer. Apiary allows for a high degree of customization in terms of styling, themes, and layouts, enabling users to create unique and visually appealing API documentation. Docsify provides limited customization options compared to Apiary, while Swagger UI offers more flexibility in terms of UI customization but may require advanced knowledge of Swagger specifications.

  3. Collaboration Features: Apiary excels in providing collaboration features that allow teams to work together on API design, documentation, and testing. It offers real-time editing, commenting, and version control features to facilitate seamless collaboration. In contrast, Docsify and Swagger UI may not have as robust collaboration features, focusing more on individual documentation creation and presentation.

  4. Mock Server Functionality: Apiary offers built-in support for creating and using a mock server for testing APIs without the need for backend implementation. This feature is particularly useful during the early stages of API development when the backend is not fully ready. Docsify and Swagger UI may lack this native mock server functionality, requiring users to rely on external tools for simulating API responses.

  5. Documentation Format: While all three tools support API documentation, they differ in terms of documentation format. Apiary uses API Blueprint as its primary format for documenting APIs, which is a markdown-based language specifically designed for describing RESTful APIs. Docsify supports Markdown files for documentation creation, offering a more straightforward and familiar format. Swagger UI utilizes OpenAPI Specification (formerly known as Swagger Specification) for defining APIs, which provides a standardized way to describe REST APIs in JSON or YAML format.

  6. Learning Curve: When it comes to the learning curve, Apiary may have a steeper learning curve compared to Docsify and Swagger UI due to its robust feature set and advanced capabilities. Docsify is known for its user-friendly interface and simplicity, making it easier for beginners to start creating API documentation. Swagger UI falls somewhere in between, offering a balance between complexity and ease of use for documenting APIs.

In Summary, Apiary, Docsify, and Swagger UI differ in terms of integration capabilities, customization options, collaboration features, mock server functionality, documentation format, and learning curve.

Advice on Apiary, Docsify, and Swagger UI
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From a StackShare Community member: "I just started working for a start-up and we are in desperate need of better documentation for our API. Currently our API docs is in a file. We are evaluating Postman and Swagger UI. Since there are many options and I was wondering what other StackSharers would recommend?"

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Replies (3)
Jagdeep Singh
Tech Lead at · | 8 upvotes · 377.8K views

I use Postman because of the ease of team-management, using workspaces and teams, runner, collections, environment variables, test-scripts (post execution), variable management (pre and post execution), folders (inside collections, for better management of APIs), newman, easy-ci-integration (and probably a few more things that I am not able to recall right now).

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I use Swagger UI because it's an easy tool for end-consumers to visualize and test our APIs. It focuses on that ! And it's directly embedded and delivered with the APIs. Postman's built-in tools aren't bad, but their main focus isn't the documentation and also, they are hosted outside the project.

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Sadik Ay

I recommend Postman because it's easy to use with history option. Also, it has very great features like runner, collections, test scripts runners, defining environment variables and simple exporting and importing data.

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Pros of Apiary
Pros of Docsify
Pros of Swagger UI
  • 29
    Easy to use
  • 19
    Free to use
  • 12
    Traffic inspector
  • 11
  • 10
  • 7
    Mock API
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
    30 Days Trial
  • 2
    Access Control
  • 2
  • 2
    Validate API Documentation
  • 1
    API explorer
  • 1
    Clean syntax
  • 1
  • 1
    Shared API blueprint templates
  • 1
    Github integration helps with collaboration
  • 1
    Code auto-generation
    Be the first to leave a pro
    • 49
      Open Source
    • 34
      Can execute api calls from the documentation
    • 29
      Free to use
    • 19
    • 14
      Easy to implement in .Net
    • 13
      Mature, clean spec
    • 12
      API Visualization
    • 9
    • 6
    • 6
      Easy to use
    • 5
      Vibrant and active community
    • 4
    • 3
      Adopted by tm forum api
    • 2
      Clear for React
    • 1
    • 1
      Can deploy API to AWS API Gateway and AWS Lambda

    Sign up to add or upvote prosMake informed product decisions

    Cons of Apiary
    Cons of Docsify
    Cons of Swagger UI
      Be the first to leave a con
        Be the first to leave a con
        • 3
          Need to learn YAML and RAML
        • 2
          Documentation doesn't look that good
        • 1
          Doesn't generate code snippets in different languages
        • 1
          You don’t actually get in-line error highlighting
        • 1
          Does not support hypermedia

        Sign up to add or upvote consMake informed product decisions

        - No public GitHub repository available -
        - No public GitHub repository available -

        What is Apiary?

        It takes more than a simple HTML page to thrill your API users. The right tools take weeks of development. Weeks that saves.

        What is Docsify?

        Docsify generates your documentation website on the fly without generating static html files. Instead, it loads and parses your Markdown files and displays them as a website.

        What is Swagger UI?

        Swagger UI is a dependency-free collection of HTML, Javascript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation and sandbox from a Swagger-compliant API

        Need advice about which tool to choose?Ask the StackShare community!

        What companies use Apiary?
        What companies use Docsify?
        What companies use Swagger UI?

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        What tools integrate with Apiary?
        What tools integrate with Docsify?
        What tools integrate with Swagger UI?

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        What are some alternatives to Apiary, Docsify, and Swagger UI?
        It is an easy-to-use tool to help you build out documentation! Each documentation site that you publish is a project where there is space for documentation, interactive API reference guides, a changelog, and much more.
        API management, design, analytics, and security are at the heart of modern digital architecture. The Apigee intelligent API platform is a complete solution for moving business to the digital world.
        It is the only complete API development environment, used by nearly five million developers and more than 100,000 companies worldwide.
        JavaScript is most known as the scripting language for Web pages, but used in many non-browser environments as well such as node.js or Apache CouchDB. It is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm scripting language that is dynamic,and supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.
        Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
        See all alternatives