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Apiman vs What are the differences?

Apiman and are both open-source API management platforms that provide similar functionalities. However, there are key differences between the two that make them suitable for different use cases.

  1. Subscription management: Apiman offers more flexibility in terms of subscription management. It allows the user to define custom subscription policies, which can be based on various criteria such as rate limits, pricing, or authentication mechanisms. On the other hand, provides a simpler subscription model, where the user can choose from pre-defined plans with fixed capabilities.

  2. Deployment options: provides more deployment options compared to Apiman. It can be deployed as a standalone server or as a Docker image, making it easier to integrate into existing infrastructure. Apiman, on the other hand, requires the user to deploy it on a Java EE application server, which can add complexity to the deployment process.

  3. Developer portal customization: allows more extensive customization of the developer portal compared to Apiman. It provides a powerful theming engine that allows users to completely customize the look and feel of the portal, including logo, colors, fonts, and layout. Apiman, on the other hand, has limited customization options for the developer portal.

  4. Integration capabilities: Apiman provides better integration capabilities compared to It offers out-of-the-box integration with popular API management standards such as OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect. It also provides integration with third-party systems such as Keycloak for authentication and authorization., however, relies more on custom extensions for integrating with external systems.

  5. Rate limiting mechanism: offers a more advanced rate limiting mechanism compared to Apiman. It provides rate limiting based on various factors such as IP address, user, or application. It also allows the user to define custom rate limiting policies based on different criteria. Apiman, on the other hand, provides a simpler rate limiting mechanism based on a fixed number of requests per time period.

  6. Documentation management: Apiman offers better documentation management capabilities compared to It provides a built-in documentation portal where users can create and manage API documentation. It also allows the user to import existing Swagger definitions for generating documentation., on the other hand, relies more on external tools for managing API documentation.

In summary, Apiman and differ in terms of subscription management, deployment options, developer portal customization, integration capabilities, rate limiting mechanism, and documentation management.

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Pros of Apiman
Pros of
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      Rich policy library
    • 1
      Easy deployment on OpenShoft
    • 1
      Paid service is available(beneficial in the time of p)
    • 0
      No Managed Service

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    Cons of Apiman
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        Not Cloud Ready

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      What is Apiman?

      It provides an easy way for API/service providers to use a web UI to define service contracts for their APIs, apply these contracts across multiple APIs, and control role-based user access and API versioning.

      What is

      It is a flexible, lightweight and blazing-fast open source API Platform that helps your organization control finely who, when and how users access your APIs.

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      What are some alternatives to Apiman and
      Kong is a scalable, open source API Layer (also known as an API Gateway, or API Middleware). Kong controls layer 4 and 7 traffic and is extended through Plugins, which provide extra functionality and services beyond the core platform.
      3scale's API Management platform provides services and solutions, allowing you to Operate, Manage and Distribute your APIs. Trusted by 450+ API programs.
      It delivers the only complete open source middleware platform. With its revolutionary componentized design, it is also the only open source platform-as-a-service for private and public clouds available today. With it, seamless migration and integration between servers, private clouds, and public clouds is now a reality.
      API management, design, analytics, and security are at the heart of modern digital architecture. The Apigee intelligent API platform is a complete solution for moving business to the digital world.
      It is an Open Source Identity and Access Management For Modern Applications and Services. It adds authentication to applications and secure services with minimum fuss. No need to deal with storing users or authenticating users. It's all available out of the box.
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