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Asciinema vs showterm: What are the differences?

  1. Ease of use: Asciinema is known for its simplicity and ease of use, allowing users to record and share terminal sessions effortlessly. On the other hand, Showterm requires users to take additional steps to record and share terminal sessions, making the process slightly more complex.
  2. Compatibility: Asciinema supports a wide range of operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows, making it versatile and accessible to a larger audience. In contrast, Showterm may have limitations in terms of compatibility with certain operating systems, potentially limiting its user base.
  3. Embedding options: Asciinema offers multiple embedding options for users to integrate recorded terminal sessions into websites or documentation seamlessly. Showterm may have fewer embedding options, making it less flexible for users who require specific customization.
  4. Recording features: Asciinema provides additional features such as copy-pasting terminal text, running commands during playback, and adjusting playback speed, enhancing the overall user experience. Showterm may have limited recording features, potentially restricting user functionality and customization.
  5. Community support: Asciinema has a vibrant community of users who actively contribute to its development, provide support, and share innovative use cases. In comparison, Showterm may have a smaller community following, resulting in fewer resources and support options for users.
  6. Hosting options: Asciinema allows users to host their recordings on the Asciinema website or self-host them, offering flexibility and control over where their content is stored. Showterm may not provide as many hosting options, limiting user choice and control over their recorded sessions.

In Summary, Asciinema and Showterm differ in ease of use, compatibility, embedding options, recording features, community support, and hosting options.

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Pros of Asciinema
Pros of showterm
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    Really simple to record and share a terminal workflow
  • 1
    Ascii art
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    What is Asciinema?

    Asciinema is a free and open source solution for recording the terminal sessions and sharing them on the web.

    What is showterm?

    Termshows are purely text based. This makes them ideal for demoing instructions (as the user can copy-paste), making fail-safe "live-coding" sessions (plain text is very scalable), and sharing all your l33t terminal hacks.

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      What are some alternatives to Asciinema and showterm?
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      Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
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      jQuery is a cross-platform JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML.
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