BlazeMeter vs Runscope

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BlazeMeter vs Runscope: What are the differences?


BlazeMeter and Runscope are two popular tools used for API and performance testing. Both tools have their unique features and functionalities that differentiate them from each other. In this article, we will discuss the key differences between BlazeMeter and Runscope.

  1. Flexibility of Deployment: BlazeMeter offers more flexibility in deployment options compared to Runscope. With BlazeMeter, users can choose to run tests on their cloud infrastructure or on-premises, which provides more control and customization options. On the other hand, Runscope primarily focuses on cloud-based deployment and doesn't offer as many options for on-premises deployment.

  2. Load Testing Capabilities: BlazeMeter is known for its powerful load testing capabilities. It offers a wide range of load testing features such as spike testing, concurrency testing, and stress testing. On the other hand, Runscope doesn't provide as extensive load testing features and is mainly focused on API monitoring and testing.

  3. Integration with Development Tools: BlazeMeter provides seamless integration with popular development tools like Jenkins, JIRA, and more. This allows developers to incorporate performance testing into their development workflow easily. Runscope also offers integrations with various tools, but it doesn't have the same level of integrations as BlazeMeter.

  4. Scalability: BlazeMeter is designed to handle large-scale testing scenarios with thousands of concurrent users. It leverages cloud infrastructure and distributed load generators to scale tests according to the demand. Runscope, on the other hand, is better suited for smaller-scale testing scenarios and may not be as effective for high-load testing.

  5. Team Collaboration and Reporting: BlazeMeter offers advanced team collaboration and reporting features. It allows multiple team members to work together on test scenarios, share results, and generate customized reports. Runscope also provides collaboration features, but they may not be as extensive as the ones offered by BlazeMeter.

  6. Pricing Structure: The pricing structure of BlazeMeter and Runscope differs significantly. BlazeMeter offers various pricing plans based on the required features and usage, providing more flexibility for users with different testing requirements. Runscope, on the other hand, has a fixed pricing model that may not be as suitable for users with specific or fluctuating testing needs.

In summary, BlazeMeter provides more flexibility in deployment, extensive load testing capabilities, broader integration options, scalability for large-scale testing, advanced team collaboration and reporting features, and flexible pricing plans compared to Runscope, which primarily focuses on cloud-based deployment, API monitoring, and fixed pricing model.

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Pros of BlazeMeter
Pros of Runscope
  • 10
    I can run load tests without needing JMeter scripts.
  • 3
    Easy to prepare JMeter workers
  • 17
    Great features
  • 15
    Easy to use
  • 4
    Nicely priced
  • 4
    Free plan
  • 2
    No install needed - runs on cloud
  • 2
  • 1
  • 1
    Dead simple and useful. Excellent
  • 1
    Awesome customer support
  • 1
    Import scripts from sources including Postman
  • 1
    Shareable Collections
  • 1
    Global & Collection level variables
  • 1
    Graphical view of response times historically
  • 1
    Integrations - StatusPage, PagerDuty, HipChat, Victorop
  • 1
    Run tests from multiple locations across globe
  • 1
    Schedule test collections to auto-run at intervals
  • 1
    Auto Re-run failed scheduled tests before notifying
  • 1
    Makes developing REST APIs easy
  • 1
    History feature - call history and response history
  • 1
    Restrict access by teams
  • 1
    Fully featured without looking cluttered
  • 1
    Can save and share scripts

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Cons of BlazeMeter
Cons of Runscope
  • 1
  • 1
    UI centric
    Be the first to leave a con

    Sign up to add or upvote consMake informed product decisions

    What is BlazeMeter?

    Simulate any user scenario for webapps, websites, mobile apps or web services. 100% Apache JMeter compatible. Scalable from 1 to 1,000,000+ concurrent users.<br>

    What is Runscope?

    Keep tabs on all aspects of your API's performance with uptime monitoring, integration testing, logging and real-time monitoring.

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    DockerSlackAmazon EC2+17
    What are some alternatives to BlazeMeter and Runscope?
    Flood IO
    Performance testing with Flood increases customer satisfaction and confidence in your production apps and reduces business risk.
    Gatling is a highly capable load testing tool. It is designed for ease of use, maintainability and high performance. Out of the box, Gatling comes with excellent support of the HTTP protocol that makes it a tool of choice for load testing any HTTP server. As the core engine is actually protocol agnostic, it is perfectly possible to implement support for other protocols. For example, Gatling currently also ships JMS support.
    Load Impact
    It is performance testing platform brings performance testing to the developer’s turf. Developers of all skill levels are able to easily pick up manual testing with it and simply transition to the more modern principles of DevOps and performance testing automation.
    It is a load testing platform that brings the low cost power of the cloud to JMeter and other open source load testing tools.
    Selenium automates browsers. That's it! What you do with that power is entirely up to you. Primarily, it is for automating web applications for testing purposes, but is certainly not limited to just that. Boring web-based administration tasks can (and should!) also be automated as well.
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