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BrowserStack vs Browserling: What are the differences?

Introduction: BrowserStack and Browserling are both popular tools used by developers for cross-browser testing. However, there are several key differences between the two that set them apart from each other.

1. Pricing: One of the main differences between BrowserStack and Browserling is their pricing structure. BrowserStack offers multiple pricing tiers based on the number of parallel tests, while Browserling follows a different pricing model based on the number of minutes used. This means that depending on your testing needs and budget, one tool may be more cost-effective than the other.

2. Testing Environments: BrowserStack provides a wide range of virtual machines and real devices for testing, covering a vast array of operating systems, browsers, and mobile devices. On the other hand, Browserling focuses more on providing a variety of browsers to test web applications, with fewer options for mobile devices and operating systems. Depending on your specific needs for testing environments, one tool may be better suited for your requirements than the other.

3. Automation Capabilities: BrowserStack offers extensive automation capabilities with the help of its Selenium WebDriver and Appium support. It allows users to run automated tests on various browsers and devices, enabling efficient and scalable testing. Browserling, on the other hand, has limited automation capabilities and is more focused on manual testing. If automation is a critical requirement for your testing process, BrowserStack might be a better choice for you.

4. Collaboration and Integrations: BrowserStack provides various collaboration features like real-time testing, screenshots, and video recording, making it easier for team members to collaborate remotely. It also has robust integrations with popular tools like Jira, Slack, and GitHub, allowing for seamless workflows. Browserling, on the other hand, does not offer as many collaboration features and integrations, making it less suitable for teams that heavily rely on collaborative testing and integration with other tools.

5. Scalability: BrowserStack offers flexible scalability options, allowing users to test their web applications across a large number of browsers, devices, and operating systems simultaneously. This makes it suitable for larger projects and organizations that require extensive testing across different environments. Browserling, on the other hand, may not provide the same level of scalability and may be more suitable for smaller projects or individual developers.

6. Customer Support: BrowserStack is known for its excellent customer support, offering help through different channels like live chat, email, and phone. They also have a comprehensive knowledge base and documentation to assist users in troubleshooting issues. Browserling, while providing customer support, may not offer the same level of responsiveness and extensive support as BrowserStack.

Summary: BrowserStack and Browserling differ in terms of pricing, testing environments, automation capabilities, collaboration and integrations, scalability, and customer support. Depending on your specific needs and project requirements, one tool may be more suitable for your cross-browser testing needs than the other.

Advice on Browserling and BrowserStack

I am looking to purchase one of these tools for Mobile testing for my team. It should support Native, hybrid, and responsive app testing. It should also feature debugging, parallel execution, automation testing/easy integration with automation testing tools like Selenium, and the capability to provide availability of devices specifically for us to use at any time with good speed of performing all these activities.

I have already used Perfecto mobile, and Sauce Labs in my other projects before. I want to know how different or better is AWS Device farm in usage and how advantageous it would be for us to use it over other mentioned tools

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Replies (3)
Aaron Evans
Testing Strategist at One Shore · | 3 upvotes · 8.7K views

A SaaS offering like Sauce Labs (or BrowserStack or LambdaTest, etc) will provide a remote Selenium/Appium Grid including the ability to run test automation in parallel (up to the amount based your subscription level) an a wide array of browsers and mobile devices.

These tools can be expensive, but if you can afford them, the expertise and effort of maintaining the grid, browser updates, etc. is worth it.

AWS Device Farm can be significantly cheaper, but is much more work to setup and run. It will not give you as many devices, or the reporting and screen/video capture you get with the the services. And there is no support for AWS Device Farm, and very poor documentation. I have used it, but do not recommend it. Running your own grid and physical device lab is better, but I'd stick with a service like Sauce Labs or Perfecto which will save you time and give you better services despite the higher price tag.

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Stability - Just works. Availability - More than 15 datacenters. Enterprise features like SSO, local testing and SOC2/GDPR compliant.

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Jaymie Falconi

BitBar's Dedicated Devices would be a great option for you. It allows you to dedicate (reserve) devices for your use only which also having access to all of the devices in the shared cloud. BitBar has the features and integrations that you are looking for as well.

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