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Google Cloud CDN

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Cloudinary vs Google Cloud CDN: What are the differences?


Cloudinary and Google Cloud CDN are both popular content delivery network (CDN) services used by businesses to deliver content faster and more efficiently to users around the world. While they both serve the same purpose, there are key differences between the two.

  1. Pricing Model: Cloudinary offers a flexible pay-as-you-go pricing model based on the volume of resources consumed, offering a range of plans to suit various business needs. On the other hand, Google Cloud CDN follows a pricing model where you pay for the bandwidth and caching operations separately. They offer discounts based on usage tiers but do not have flexible plans.

  2. Integration with Cloud Services: Cloudinary has built-in integrations with several cloud services like Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Dropbox, making it easier to directly access and manage media assets stored in these platforms. Google Cloud CDN, on the other hand, is tightly integrated with Google Cloud Platform services and offers seamless integration with services like Google Cloud Storage and Google App Engine.

  3. Image and Video Manipulation: One of the key differentiators for Cloudinary is its powerful image and video manipulation capabilities. It provides a wide range of on-the-fly transformations, optimizations, and editing options that can be easily applied to media assets. Google Cloud CDN, on the other hand, focuses more on caching and delivering content at high speeds without providing extensive manipulation options.

  4. Cache Invalidation Mechanism: Cloudinary provides a sophisticated cache invalidation mechanism, where you can invalidate specific URLs or folders selectively, ensuring that new versions of assets are delivered to end-users when changes are made. Google Cloud CDN also supports cache invalidation, but the process is based on cache-control headers and requires more manual intervention.

  5. Global Edge Locations: Both Cloudinary and Google Cloud CDN have multiple edge locations distributed globally to ensure faster content delivery to users. However, Google Cloud CDN has a wider network of edge locations, covering more regions and countries compared to Cloudinary. This can be an important factor to consider when targeting specific geographical markets.

  6. SSL-Enabled Domains: Cloudinary provides built-in support for serving assets over SSL-secured domains with SSL certificates automatically managed and renewed. In contrast, Google Cloud CDN requires a separate setup and management of SSL certificates for custom domains, although they do provide a fully-managed SSL certificate service for Google-managed domains.


In summary, Cloudinary offers flexible pricing, extensive integrations, powerful media manipulation capabilities, sophisticated cache invalidation, and built-in SSL support. On the other hand, Google Cloud CDN has a wider global network, tight integration with Google Cloud Platform services, and a separate SSL setup process.

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Pros of Cloudinary
Pros of Google Cloud CDN
  • 37
    Easy setup
  • 31
    Fast image delivery
  • 26
    Vast array of image manipulation capabilities
  • 21
    Free tier
  • 11
    Heroku add-on
  • 9
    Reduce development costs
  • 7
    Amazing support
  • 6
    Heroku plugin
  • 6
    Great libraries for all languages
  • 6
    Virtually limitless scale
  • 5
    Easy to integrate with Rails
  • 4
  • 3
    Shot setup time
  • 3
    Very easy setup
  • 2
    Solves alot of image problems.
  • 1
    Best in the market and includes free plan
  • 1
    Extremely generous free pricing tier
  • 0
    Fast image delivery, vast array
  • 2
    Extremely Fast

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Cons of Cloudinary
Cons of Google Cloud CDN
  • 5
    Paid plan is expensive
  • 2
    Very expensive not for newbies

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