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CMake vs xmake: What are the differences?


CMake and xmake are both build systems that help in the compilation and building of software projects. However, there are key differences between these two tools.

1. **CMake: CMake is a cross-platform build system that generates native build files, such as Makefiles or IDE project files. It uses a CMakeLists.txt file to configure the build process.

xmake: xmake, on the other hand, is a lightweight and easy-to-use build tool specifically designed for cross-platform development. It uses a Lua-based script (xmake.lua) for project configuration, which makes it more flexible compared to CMake's CMakeLists.txt.

2. **CMake: CMake supports a wide range of programming languages, including C++, C, Fortran, Python, and more. It provides a consistent and unified interface for building projects regardless of the programming language used.

xmake: xmake mainly focuses on C and C++ development, and it provides a simplified build system specifically tailored for these languages. While it can still be used for other programming languages, its primary strengths lie in C and C++ development.

3. **CMake: CMake has a larger community and ecosystem, with extensive documentation, tutorials, and a wide range of plugins and modules available. It is widely adopted and supported by various development tools and IDEs.

xmake: xmake, although relatively newer compared to CMake, has a growing community and an active set of contributors. It may have a smaller ecosystem and available plugins compared to CMake, but it offers a more streamlined and simplified user experience for C and C++ developers.

4. **CMake: CMake provides a rich feature set, including support for configuring compiler flags, linking libraries, handling dependencies, and setting up tests and installations. It also offers support for generating different types of build files for various platforms and IDEs.

xmake: xmake aims to provide a more straightforward and intuitive build system. It offers a more minimalistic approach with a focus on simplicity and efficiency. While it may not have as many advanced features as CMake, it excels in quickly setting up and building projects with ease.

5. **CMake: CMake is widely used in large-scale projects and complex build systems due to its flexibility and extensive configuration options. It allows fine-grained control over the build process and supports advanced build scenarios, such as multi-module and multi-configuration builds.

xmake: xmake is more suitable for small to medium-sized projects, especially those focused on C and C++ development. It offers a more opinionated approach to building and has a more straightforward configuration file structure, which can lead to faster iteration times and reduced build complexity.

6. **CMake: CMake supports integration with various popular IDEs, including Visual Studio, Xcode, and Eclipse. It allows developers to generate project files for these IDEs and seamlessly work with them.

xmake: xmake also supports integration with IDEs but primarily focuses on a text-based workflow. It encourages developers to use command-line tools and terminal-based workflows for building and managing their projects.

In Summary, CMake is a powerful and flexible build system with extensive community support and a wide range of features, suitable for large-scale and complex projects. On the other hand, xmake offers a simplified and streamlined experience specifically targeted towards C and C++ development, with a focus on speed and ease of use.

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    What is CMake?

    It is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files, and generate native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of the user's choice.

    What is xmake?

    It is a cross-platform build utility based on lua. It focuses on making development and building easier and provides many features (e.g package, install, plugin, macro, action, option, task ...), so that any developer can quickly pick it up and enjoy a productivity boost when developing and building projects.

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