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Continually vs Errbot: What are the differences?

  1. Integration Capabilities: Continually offers seamless integration with popular tools such as Slack, Zendesk, and Zapier, making it easy to incorporate into existing workflows. On the other hand, Errbot allows for extensibility through its plugin system, enabling users to customize and add functionality as needed.

  2. Focused Use Cases: Continually is primarily designed for managing conversational workflows, providing solutions for chatbots, lead generation, and customer support. In contrast, Errbot is tailored towards building chatbots, automation, and managing interactions within chat platforms like Slack and HipChat.

  3. Deployment Options: Continually offers a cloud-based solution, allowing users to quickly set up and start using the platform without any installation requirements. Meanwhile, Errbot can be deployed on-premises or in a private cloud, giving users more control over their data and security.

  4. User Interface: Continually provides a user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop functionality for creating chatbot workflows, making it accessible to users with varying technical skills. Errbot, being a bot development framework, requires a certain level of technical proficiency to set up and customize the bot to specific requirements.

  5. Support and Documentation: Continually provides comprehensive documentation and support resources, including tutorials, FAQs, and live chat assistance to help users navigate the platform effectively. In contrast, Errbot has an active community and network of developers who contribute to its documentation and offer support through forums and chat channels.

  6. Cost Structure: Continually offers subscription-based pricing plans tailored to different business needs, with a free trial option available for users to test the platform. Errbot, being open-source, is free to use but may incur costs for additional plugins, hosting, and maintenance depending on the deployment method chosen.

In Summary, Continually and Errbot differ in integration capabilities, focused use cases, deployment options, user interface, support and documentation, and cost structure.

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    What is Continually?

    Potential customers expect an immediate reply. We help you capture leads, even when you're out of office or in a different time zone. Set up a series of automatic responses (or even a full conversation) to ensure you never miss a lead or help enquiry.

    What is Errbot?

    The main use is to make it easy for you to write your own plugins so you can make it do whatever you want: a deployment, retrieving some information online, trigger a tool via an API.

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    What are some alternatives to Continually and Errbot?
    In many ways it is similar IDEs you already know and love like Visual Studio and Xamarin Studio. It supports scripts and projects and a code editor with code completion and semantic highlighting.
    Telegram Bot API
    Bots are third-party applications that run inside Telegram. Users can interact with bots by sending them messages, commands and inline requests. You control your bots using HTTPS requests to our bot API.
    Give users new ways to interact with your product by building engaging voice and text-based conversational apps.
    Microsoft Bot Framework
    The Microsoft Bot Framework provides just what you need to build and connect intelligent bots that interact naturally wherever your users are talking, from text/sms to Skype, Slack, Office 365 mail and other popular services.
    IBM Watson
    It combines artificial intelligence (AI) and sophisticated analytical software for optimal performance as a "question answering" machine.
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