Django vs Flask vs Laravel

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Django vs Flask vs Laravel: What are the differences?


Django, Flask, and Laravel are three popular web development frameworks. While they all serve the purpose of facilitating web development, there are some key differences that set them apart.

  1. Predefined Structure: Django follows the "batteries included" approach, providing a predefined structure for building web applications. It includes everything from the database layer to a template engine, making it highly efficient for complex projects. Flask, on the other hand, follows a micro-framework approach, allowing developers to have more flexibility in choosing components for their application. Laravel strikes a balance between the two, providing a predefined structure but also allowing customization as per project requirements.

  2. Learning Curve: Django has a steeper learning curve due to its extensive features and a lot of built-in functionality. It may take some time for beginners to grasp the entire framework. Flask, being a micro-framework, is easier to learn and understand as it has a minimalistic approach with fewer dependencies and a simpler codebase. Laravel falls in between these two, providing a moderate learning curve with well-organized documentation and a supportive community.

  3. Community and Ecosystem: Django has a large and active community, which means extensive community-driven packages and libraries are available for Django developers. Flask has a smaller community, but it also has a good collection of extensions that can be integrated into projects. Laravel has a vibrant and growing community with an extensive ecosystem of packages and tools that provide various functionalities, making it easier to build robust applications.

  4. Scalability: Django is a high-level framework that emphasizes scalability. It provides many built-in scalability features, such as caching, load balancing, and database pooling, making it suitable for handling large-scale applications. Flask, being a micro-framework, doesn't provide these features out of the box, but they can be added as needed. Laravel also emphasizes scalability and provides features like caching, task scheduling, and queue management. However, compared to Django, it may require more manual configuration and third-party packages for certain scalability aspects.

  5. Database Support: Django has built-in support for multiple databases, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and Oracle. It offers an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) layer that simplifies database operations. Flask, being a micro-framework, doesn't have built-in support for databases but can work with any database by using third-party libraries. Laravel supports multiple databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and SQL Server. It utilizes the Eloquent ORM, which provides a simple and expressive way to interact with databases.

  6. Maturity and Stability: Django has been around for a longer time and is considered more mature and stable. It has been extensively used and tested in various production applications. Flask, although not as mature as Django, is stable and reliable. Laravel, being a relatively newer framework, has gained popularity rapidly and has a stable release. However, as with any new technology, it may have some growing pains and occasional compatibility issues.

In Summary, Django is a fully-featured and mature framework suitable for large-scale applications. Flask is a lightweight and flexible micro-framework, ideal for smaller projects. Laravel strikes a balance between the two, providing a predefined structure with customization options.

Advice on Django, Flask, and Laravel
Needs advice

I am a graduate student working as a software engineer in a company. For my personal development, I want to learn web development. I have some experience in Springboot while I was in university. So I want to continue with spring-boot, but I heard about Django. I'm reaching out to the experts here to help me choose a future proof framework. Django or Spring Boot?

Thanks in Advance

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Replies (5)

Kamrul Hasan, Don't choose dying technologies with small communities. How many startups do you think use Spring and Django? Use Google Trends to compare technologies. Study the StackOverflow developer survey and job websites to see what technologies are wanted. Few teams can afford to train you to get up to their level so be a life-long learner. Embrace the dawn of a new industry and become an expert.

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Sulaiman Sanusi

I recommend you stick to Java Spring as you already have experience with the technology, i suggest you master this technology and then if Django seam to be very interesting to you, django is a framework you can easily pickup as python is also easy, you have to probably be able to manage the context switching between a static typed language like Java to dynamic language like python

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Christoph Becker

It depends on what you want. Spring is Java-based whereas Django is Python-based. The question rather is Java vs Python. I personally recommend Python as it's shorter and easy to learn. But Java has advantages in really big systems.

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Gonzalo Fernández

Hi Kamrul,

It really depends on the kind of project and whether you feel more comfortable with Java or Python. Both are excellent frameworks, with a huge community and learning material. I've been working with Spring Boot since I started coding almost and I can assure you it's the perfect combination for Java. The learning curve may be harder that Django, but once you know the basics you're good to go. I can't tell you much about Django but you must now by now that it has a great reputation with Python users. In any case I don't think you can go wrong with any of these two. My advice is, if you are already familiar with the Spring framework, give Spring Boot a try, because you're going to find out that it just makes the whole Spring experience so much easier. Let us know what you chose!

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Both are in active development and had huge community support. It really depends on you what you are comfortable with. Both are married to their respective languages. I choose Python over Java because of its simplicity and readability. To develop in java you need to write a lot of code. That's how java is. The best part I love with Django is its synchronization with Databases.

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Security Engineer at Confidential · | 5 upvotes · 22.9K views
Needs advice

Hi All - I am currently developing an API in Flask for automating a few of my tasks. I am planning to use Django for consuming the Flask API and for displaying the results. The API will be used by my team as well, so I would like to enforce access controls based on the user logged in. For example, User A can consume the API, but User B can only see the results. Also, I am planning to enforce other controls, such as a user can consume a particular API only once per day. For the Database, I am planning to use PostgreSQL. Request you to share your insights and ideas. Thank you!

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Replies (1)
Sambit Paul
Senior Data Scientist at Altair Medical · | 6 upvotes · 15.4K views

So, to limit access to URLs based on users, you will need to use roles for the users. So, there will be groups under which all users need to categorised. Let's say in a Hospital setting, the roles would be "Patients", "Doctors", "Nurses" etc. And all the users will be under these categories. Django has an open source extension "django-role-permissions" which I have used extensively for many of my projects and I can vouch for. It is easy to handle and has good documentation to get started with.

For limiting API calls, you will need to create a table which accounts for the number of times a specific API is called by a user and use that to limit access.

Link to mentioned library:

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Senior Solutions Analyst · | 8 upvotes · 350.5K views

My journey to developing REST APIs started with Flask Restful, and I've found it to be enough for the needs of my project back then. Now that I've started investing more time on personal projects, I've yet to decide if I should move to use Django for writing REST APIs. I often see job posts looking for Python+Django developers, but it's usually for full-stack developers. I'm primarily interested in Data Engineering, so most of my web projects are back end.

Should I continue with what I know (Flask) or move on to Django?

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Replies (1)
Rafael Torres
Technical Lead at 4Agile · | 9 upvotes · 341K views

If you want to be a Web developer with knowledge in another frontend and NoSql technology, maybe continue with Flask. However, if you want to create very fast solutions to grow up with a new business and merge these with data analysis and other tools, Django is the answer. Basically read more about the service architecture where you feel more comfortable, Microservice or Monolithic, but please will not married with any because they solve issues to different contexts.

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Eva Maciejko
Needs advice
Spring BootSpring Boot

Hello, I am a fullstack web developer. I have been working for a company with Java/ Spring Boot and client-side JavaScript(mainly jQuery, some AngularJS) for the past 4 years. As I wish to now work as a freelancer, I am faced with a dilemma: which stack to choose given my current knowledge and the state of the market?

I've heard PHP is very popular in the freelance world. I don't know PHP. However, I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult to learn since it has many similarities with Java (OOP). It seems to me that Laravel has similarities with Spring Boot (it's MVC and OOP). Also, people say Laravel works well with Vue.js, which is my favorite JS framework.

On the other hand, I already know the Javascript language, and I like Vue.js, so I figure I could go the fullstack Javascript route with ExpressJS. However, I am not sure if these techs are ripe for freelancing (with regards to RAD, stability, reliability, security, costs, etc.) Is it true that Express is almost always used with MongoDB? Because my experience is mostly with SQL databases.

The projects I would like to work on are custom web applications/websites for small businesses. I have developed custom ERPs before and found that Java was a good fit, except for it taking a long time to develop. I cannot make a choice, and I am constantly switching between trying PHP and Node.js/Express. Any real-world advice would be welcome! I would love to find a stack that I enjoy while doing meaningful freelance coding.

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Replies (10)
Spring BootSpring Boot

Hi Eva, As you have solid experience with Spring already, you should jump into freelancing with that. It would be quite stressful to start freelancing with a tech stack you don't know well. Then in the background you can keep learning/practicing an alternative and switch over when you are confident enough (eg. 0.5-1 year later). I think you should learn Laravel as you already like it and find it easier. Express has better performance but that is not required for most of the small freelancer projects.

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Benoît Hubert
JavaScript Instructor at Wild Code School · | 6 upvotes · 679.9K views
Spring BootSpring Boot

I think Patrik and Alex are right: if you're comfortable with Spring Boot already, you'll be more productive right from the start.

If you wish to learn something else besides, both Laravel and Express are good choices. They aren't in the same category of frameworks: Laravel is an all-in-one solution, while Express is more like "build your own stack from different parts". Which implies that you can use whatever you want as a database engine: MySQL or PostgreSQL are perfectly valid choices (in my school, we teach Express with MySQL, because SQL is still a big thing here in France, and a sought-after skill). You can use Sequelize or TypeORM which support all major SQL DBMS.

Express is widely used, but if you're seeking the JavaScript equivalent of Spring Boot or Laravel, you probably want to look at NestJS. The only potential downside is that it's still young, maintained by a small commmunity, compared to those behind Spring Boot and Laravel.

Bottom line: using a stack tech, that you enjoy and are comfortable with, matters. Spring Boot + Vue.js seem perfectly fine to me. But do forget jQuery if you're using Vue.js, React or Angular, because it will definitely bring more harm than good!

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Looking at current technological trends and rise of JavaScript, you cannot go wrong with JavaScript. - There's an abundance of libraries to get most things done - You can use JavaScript for both the frontend and the backend - this allows you potentially share your logic/models/code across both stacks - A dynamic/interpreted language such as JavaScript is great for serverless (there's somewhat of a trend towards serverless aswell - especially in modern projects) - If you like/need static typing, you can always migrate seemlessly to Typescript - VueJS is a lightweight framework (compared to Angular), it has more GitHub stars and most would argue it's easier to work with (beginner friendly). Additionally most modern webapps do not use JQuery anymore (even though a lot of legacy projects continue to do so). You don't need JQuery if you use Vue/Angular/React

Additionally it doesn't seem like performance is a hugely important metric in your scenario, so JavaScript would suffice.

Note: These are all my opinions and what I've seen in the current market when recently searching for jobs.

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Muhammad Waleed
The Community Management · | 5 upvotes · 688.5K views
Spring BootSpring Boot

I would definitely recommend you to go with Spring Boot + AngularJS + jQuery. Reasons: 1- You have an experience of 4 years with the above-mentioned stack. 2- As you mentioned that you wish to work as a freelancer, your stack is the perfect one for finding good bids with a little less effort than that of PHP + Laravel + Vue.js.

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Hi as someone who employs and select developers i agree with a lot almost sayed but think of what are your strengths and where you are or better where your customers are. If you search for big enterprise projects spring boot is ok sql is must and html css as well. if you want to go more to internet related companies (like airbnb, what sup, facebook ) or similar (and not asia) then react is a must node js as well. The libraries tools etc which are used you need to adopt fast. If asia then VUE is a must. but if you like small projects with individuals or like wordpress or similar then you can learn php but i think in 2020 it is wasted time. Same for python in that area. and i also see that we often have problem that developer at least must understand docker docker compose better as it works with kubernetes ,.. just my 5 cents

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Rubin Thomas
Software Cloud Developer at RUBIN THOMAS · | 4 upvotes · 619.4K views

As a developer myself, I would recommend you not to restrict yourself to JAVA, PHP or any other language. New Tools/languages keep coming every day. If you do plan to move to freelancing. PHP has a lot of options in the freelance space and a lot of competition too.

Learning PHP is as simple as learning any other language. It depends merely on your interest.

Personally if you can code, you should not restrict yourself. I have had to code in many languages, PHP, Perl, shell script, Python, Java, Javascript, Ruby etc... I would keep your developing skills and logic, algorithms etc.. and increase your knowledge and experience in the different languages.

I agree with you JAVA is a lot more time consuming. But it also has its enterprise level scope.

At the same time learning a new language should not be a barrier for you to stop exploring what's out there and keeping your skills up to date. Learning new technologies should be your primary focus and getting project out of your stack helps you build a good reputation.

There are many options for you to pursue. Having an open mindset will help you move forward. If you look to learn now, you are setting yourself up for a brighter future.

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Alex Spieslechner
Spring BootSpring Boot

in order to stay employable, I'd work with something you can deliver with. if I'd be your client and you'd have to get comfortable with a new stack, I would 100% not pay you for this startup time. learn new stuff in your free-time. or set aside time for learning.

that said, if you want to reorientate, php (even though i personally hate it) is extremely wide spread. but so are java and nodejs. so I'm not a fan of that argument... i recommend building something in each language, and see what you enjoy more. for me it was nodejs, because I already enjoy frontend JavaScript, and appreciate the ecosystem and community.

regarding expressjs and mongodb: yes, it is a goto solution for a lot of tutorials, because its as simple as it gets. especially wben using something like monk. BUT if you want to use mysql, posgres or similar, check out TypeORM, Prism or another ORM-like solution. you can use any db with express, and there's plenty of abstraction layers, which make your life easier. but i noticed that expressjs does a lot less "holding hands" compared to .net core (c#), or laravel (php). can be a pro or a con.

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I like fullstack freelancers who stacks are clean as one of below

  1. PHP (laravel ) + Jquery + Bootstrap

  2. Python(Django) + Angular JS or VueJS


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Ahmed Gamal

Please, try to work with your comfortable stack, here is some recommendation

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Hey There, I would recommend going fullstack javascript since you already have experience with javascript on the front end it would be very easy to pickup node and express js. You can use sql with node and express if you please, but mongo is pretty easy to get going with.

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Needs advice
Spring FrameworkSpring Framework

Hi there, I'm deciding the technology to use in my project.

I need to build software that has:

  • Login
  • Register
  • Main View (access to a user account, News, General Info, Business hours, software, and parts section).
  • Account Preferences.
  • Web Shop for Parts (Support, Download Sections, Ticket System).

The most critical functionality is a WebSocket that connects between a car that sends real-time data through serial communication, and a server performs diagnosis on the car and sends the results back to the user.

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Replies (4)

You can use NestJs with microservice architecture.where you can also use for web socket. you can use MongoDB (For real-time data) & MySQL for customer management.if you don't want to implement can use gives realtime database & firestore.which can handle millions of connections and scale it up.

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Mohammad-Ali A'râbi
Software Engineer at AppTec GmbH · | 5 upvotes · 217.5K views

I would also go with NestJS. I would say Java is unnecessarily complicated and limited. And Python is not typed. TypeScript is powerful and typed and goes well with NestJS, especially using RxJS.

Django does not enforce backend-frontend separation, which probably was a good thing back in the days, but not anymore. But on the other hand enforces the project structure to you, which I don't like.

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Amit Parameshwar
NodeJS Intern at CartRabbit · | 3 upvotes · 573.4K views

Just a simple Node.JS app with templating engine for UI can be sufficient for what you want to achieve.

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Spring FrameworkSpring Framework

Spring boot with Spring Security[JWT], Websocket, Thymeleaf or Mustache, and styling with Bootstrap.

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Muhammad Shaheer khan
Freelancer at · | 9 upvotes · 609.7K views
Needs advice

Currently, I am a university student, and it is my second last semester with a major in Computer science. I want to start my career in full-stack web development. I know Python with Django + PHP with Laravel, and my focus is on learning MERN stack. I am a little bit confused as to which technology I should choose: Django or Magento or MERN stack.


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Replies (2)

I suggest you to go with MERN Stack (Mongo,express,react,Node). As you know python and django which is a plus point because you can use python and node as your backend and for front-end use react(easy to learn) and database of your choice.(Mongo or SQL)

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Moinul Moin

GO For MERN Stack... brother

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Needs advice

As a medium level .Net programmer trying to implementing a website, I decided to go through the Asp.Net Core. I found some tutorials on the web and started learning; however, I faced a problem. Even though I have been working with .Net and C# (mostly with unity game engine, which led to a quite amazing mobile game, published on a Persian app store) for two years or even more, by start learning Asp.Net Core, I found out that I do not know .Net as much as I expected. There were some things I should have learned before.

I searched for other frameworks, and Django was a popular one. Besides, I have planned to learn Python for machine learning. The website I want to make (with a small team) is nearly similar to Khan Academy. (We are going to use React for front-end)

So, What should I do? Continue working on .Net core with its amazing new features, or start getting into the Python and Django?

Your advice accompanied by reasons will be greatly appreciated!

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Replies (6)

Having worked with many J2EE database applications in the past, I now turn to Django if I can and the project allows it as it is so quick to get up and running. It has a logical workflow and organized structure and it comes with a high level of security (if you import the appropriate backends). If you are wanting to incorporate python-based data processing (or cython), it is relatively easy to write a backend plugin. I have found it more stable with updates than other frameworks (particularly compared to the NPM world such as React which so often descends into dependency hell when a version of something is updated). One hassle worth mentioning is the database migrations support which can sometimes mess up during development but there are workarounds. With a React frontend, you would be using the Django REST Framework ( so you may find that you have to overwrite a lot of the methods here as the defaults are fairly basic CRUD operations which don't really support nested relationships very well. I don't have any experience with .Net so I can't give a comparison except of course, the obvious one, portability, as Python is platform-independent. PS, I would recommend Vue over React also for a well organized front-end.

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I find myself in the opposite boat, I have made commercial websites with Django and now find myself learning ASP.NET. My recommendation comes with the following caveats... regardless of direction the learning will happen. Django is a very battery included framework, so the initial process will be painless, I found that documentation and support for more advanced use cases to be fairly easy to get support.

I personally found Django pretty nice to work with.

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You can get done what you want with just about any modern framework and language.

Django is fast and easy to learn but as your website grows you will need more and more community apps whose release cycles do not keep up with Django. Unless you are willing to work on the community apps, Django may not be for you.

Compare the active community sizes of Django apps to Ruby on Rails apps and you'll see very active communities with Ruby on Rails and small Django communities. Don't switch to Ruby on Rails though--it is a small, dying community of enthusiasts.

ASP.NET Core is a great backend framework, the community is large and you can always find answers; however, according to the StackOverflow developer survey, it is not desirable for the majority of programmers. I still use it though because my background evolved from C to C++ and then to C#. I also like the Microsoft world.

I've programmed a lot using Angular and some React but am switching to Vue.js which is much easier to learn and faster to code in. Be sure to use TypeScript with Vue.js. Just watch the video on the Vue home page to see how fast he can code using Vue.

But do you really want to code a website from scratch? If not, try WordPress Elementor. It may save you tons of time.

For mobile, use Google Flutter. In my 35 years of professional programming I've never seen anything more elegant, easy to learn, well documented and beautiful than Flutter. From one a single base you can target both Android and IOS and soon Web. You can also develop in Android Studio which means your screen real estate requirements are small so you don't need two monitors.

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Go with the ASP.NET Core. It is a very mature technology now and there are tons of documentation, tutorials and support you can find online. Also ASP.NET Core Web API plays quite well with the React. It is easy to implement the entire back-end in .NET Core (APIs, authentication, database access layer...) and if you need any third party package, I'm pretty sure you will find and implement in a form of a NuGet package. Who knows, maybe one day you'll need to create a mobile app and with a fully functional Web API, it would be more-less easy task to build a mobile app on top of it.

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I recommend you use a framework such as Firebase instead of implementing your own backend server for the website.

I found that Firebase enables me to build websites more quickly since it takes care of the backend for me so most of my development time is building the front-end (using React in your case).

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Ilya Lebedev

If you're going to learn Python anyway, Django project will boost your learning process. Since you're going to use React , you only neet to create REST API. Basic API can be created with Django rather easy.

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Needs advice

I have learned both Python and JavaScript. I also tried my hand at Django. But i found it difficult to work with Django, on frontend its Jinja format is very confusing and limited. I have not tried Node.js yet and unsure which tool to go ahead with. I want an internship as soon as possible so please answer keeping that in mind.

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Replies (7)

If you are currently not working my first suggestion is to study both the frameworks and get a good grasp of those. If you didn't get confident with Django in the first place you should reconsider going back and study more. Get a video course with some code-along and produce some simple application you can showcase on your interviews. If you already took a course take a different one. Another trainer could be more effective and you could experience something new with different excercises. There are lots of both free and paid courses out there. When you will get confident with Django get your feet wet with Node.js because it surely worth it. Node is very different from Django from some perspective, it looks more like an asynchronous version of Flask to me. Be sure to have a good knowledge of ES6 first, because it will be really useful to understand the Node best practices. Study as much as you can now if you are not working. It will supercharge you for the future...

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Max Musing
Founder & CEO at BaseDash · | 10 upvotes · 882K views

From my experience of the early startup world, a majority of companies these days use Node.js. Python and Go are the next biggest languages, but significantly smaller than Node.

However, if you're having trouble with the front end aspect of Django, using Node probably won't make that easier for you. You'll have a lot more options between front end frameworks (React, Vue.js, Angular 2) , but they'll definitely take more time to learn than Django's templating system.

Think about whether you want to focus on front end or back end for now, and make a decision from there.

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Yousuf Jawwad
Principal Software Architect at Breu Inc. · | 4 upvotes · 477.8K views

Jinja is a template rendering engine and you will encounter some sort of template rendering engine in each language. Jinja is a pretty standard tool and almost every language has some sort of Jinja equivalent. Ruby has Liquid, Node has Nunjucks, Java has Jinjava, Go's default templating engine is easy to pick up if you know Jinja, Helm charts are easier to pick if know Jinja . So learning Jinja is a good thing.

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I would suggest to go with js, it's the craze now when you enter into the stack it has variety of options and tools that you can adopt , and more than that the demand for js engineers is exponentially increasing and js can do magic in any type of application or architecture.

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George Krachtopoulos

I had the same question myself a few months ago. I finally chose Node.js, and it was one of the best options I did back then. From when I started programming, I always believed that Python was for me the best language, secure and stable. However, it is not flexible for web development, there are more packages & libraries that are built and work only with JavaScript / TypeScript, and the community, resources & support is much bigger. I was also fascinated by the Django ORM, which I still am, & the admin interface. But those are things, that can be replaces by other tools, such as TypeORM, and the admin interface was not needed at all finally for my case. I know understand that Python is not the language that I should use everywhere and every time, but I can say that it is really good for algorithms, computer science, maths, statistics, analytics & AI. To be honest, I chose TypeScript (TS) with Node.js & Express, because it has auto-completion and "strict" code checking. I hope this helps you, and let you take a look at various aspects of choosing a programming language to work with.

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Actually, you could get very good solution with implementing BE and admin panel with Django and FE with React.js or Vue.js. it will provide you a pretty flexible and powerful environment.

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If you already know some django stuff you should keep that learning path. And for the job if you really want an internship you should learn to make rest APIs using django or nodejs, and a front end that consumes those APIs using some framework

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Tony Valdes Mendez
President at SmartBrite Technologies · | 3 upvotes · 319.7K views
Needs advice

Hello... I hope everyone is ok amid today's global situation.

I'm trying to choose the perfect stack for a new mobile app project that resembles the super apps like GoJek & Grab.

I have gone to BUILTWITH and seen what their stack on all fronts.....however, and even though, they both differ from one another, I'm still looking for the perfect stack that will give us PERFORMANCE & SCALABILITY for years to come.

Your comments & suggestions are very important to us, so please share your thoughts.

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Replies (4)

We recommend Laravel over Ruby on Rails (Ruby) and Express.js (JavaScript/Node.js). We chose Laravel ourselves for our own internal software project, recently after comparing these same 3 software frameworks. In selecting Laravel, we chose to build our app using the software language PHP. PHP has the largest market share of all the web-based software languages (close to 80% of all websites use PHP). Also, Laravel is the fastest-growing software framework based on PHP making it a wise choice.

We also plan to integrate WordPress and WooCommerce later with our Laravel web-app. WordPress and WooCommerce like Laravel are all built using PHP. WordPress is the most popular Content Management System in the world. This will allow us to build out the front-end marketing website in WordPress. Also, we plan to offer subscriptions and sell products. For this, we will use WooCommerce. WooCommerce is the most used e-commerce platform in the world. We’ll be able to use our same Laravel developers to extend our app to WordPress and WooCommerce. By standardizing on PHP, we’ll be able to use the same software developers on all 3 platforms. PHP’s large market share will be an asset to us as we start recruiting talented software developers.

Lastly, we are gaining access to a fast-growing and awesome community that supports Laravel. Before we made our decision, I personally met Laravel’s founder Taylor Otwell along with several of his team members. After meeting with the Laravel team at Laracon US in New York City and learning more about the direction they are going with the framework, we’re confident we made the right decision.

To read the longer version of this answer where we go into more detail behind our recommendation, visit

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Oded Arbel

Before I recommend a tool, I think it is important to look at your requirements and capabilities - as you have looked at 3 very different tools: different programming languages, different implementation strategies and different target audience. It sounds like you don't already have a set of dedicated developers, so it is likely that your choice should be mainly driven by how easy it is to get developers that are familiar with the tools - so I'm going to list some considerations that I think you should review, starting with what I believe would be the most important for your bootstrap process:

  1. Mindshare: how easy it is to get developers that are familiar with the technology and can immediately start working on your project. This is definitely where Node.js shines - Javascript is one of the fastest growing languages and Node.js played a huge part in this. I would bet that wherever you are located, Javascript developers would be the easiest to come by.

  2. Fit for purpose: from your description we can understand that you are looking at a backend technology to implement some sort of REST API for a mobile app. The 3 different options you offered each fit on a different place on such a stack: Ruby is a programming language and not even a service framework - if you choose it, you then have to choose a server implementation and REST framework (and there are a lot, mostly as Ruby has a standard API for connecting a web server and application frameworks, and so this space has blown up) it used to be that Rails was the most popular, so you may choose that, but the interest in it has waned a bit in recent years; Node.js is a server framework, but it also has a dominant application framework called Express, that is geared well to your usage, so you'd likely work with that; Laravel is an application framework - it uses the PHP programming language, whose use has declined a bit in recent years, and was originally built for MVC type applications - though it has workflows for REST APIs and would probably work well for you as well.

  3. Scalability: while this is probably the least significant issue at the moment (when it gets to a point where the backend service is your bottleneck, you'd likely have enough resources for a rewrite), and also the most dependent on factors that you didn't specify and are hard to estimate (such as: session complexity; amounts of data; sensitivity to locality; sensitivity to latency), it is still worthy to address it. Unfortunately, I don't have any good news: Ruby is notoriously bad at getting the best performance (the current BKM for milking performance from a Ruby codebase is to run the app on the Java virtual machine); Node.js has severe memory limitations that will make it very hard to scale if your backend needs to do a lot of work (I have a very personal and troubling experience with this issue); and PHP has as many scalability optimization strategies as there are PHP developers (this is not a good thing).

My suggestion to you as to how to proceed can be summarized to this prioritized list of options: 1. Get a good head developer with a lot of experience and let them choose the best tool - they'd likely go with what they know, which is likely to be a good choice - and if not, when scalability will become an issue, you could rewrite. 2. Choose something (likely Node.js) and don't worry about scalability - see (1) above. 3. Use Vert.x: it is a highly scalable application and service framework that offers great performance as well as a lot of tools to solve data scalability, locality and latency, and it works with multiple programming languages, such as Javascript and Ruby.

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That's a really ambitious project. So you're going to want to move as quickly as possible. That means choosing a software stack that will allow you to move the most quickly. Of the ones you've listed, Ruby (Ruby on Rails, more precisely) will give you that. There are probably other options that would allow you to move even more quickly than Rails, but developers for those more advanced stacks are much more expensive, and hard to find.

Rails can and does scale to millions of users. It's not necessarily easy, but if you're running a successful app, you'll be able to afford people to help you scale out when you reach that point. But if you choose a slower framework (or have bad developers) you won't even reach the point of needing scalability.

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Sourabh Bagrecha

Node.js would be the best choice among all, you can compare all 3 of them on Stackshare and you will find that Node.js is on the top on almost every aspect, and since your focus is primarily on Performance and Scalability you won't regret after choosing Node.js. Also, the JavaScript open-source community has made a lot of effort and created numerous packages that will give you the speed and smooth execution of your project you need. Though your question was regarding backend, but if you choose JavaScript(Node.js) at your backend, then you can have a cross-functional team that can work on both, frontend as well as backend because JavaScript is everywhere, React Native for Android and iOS apps, React.js for single page web apps and Node.js ofcourse for your backend. And I don't have to tell you how much easier it would be to code and manage in a single language to build your complete system end-to-end. I hope it helps.

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Girish Sharma
Software Engineer at FireVisor Systems · | 6 upvotes · 277.8K views
Needs advice

Which is the best Python framework for microservices?

We are using Nameko for building microservices in Python. The things we really like are dependency injection and the ease with which one can expose endpoints via RPC over RabbitMQ. We are planning to try a tool that helps us write polyglot microservices and nameko is not super compatible with it. Also, we are a bit worried about the not so good community support from nameko and looking for a python alternate to write microservices.

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Replies (1)

Bottle is much less bloated and fast. Its built-in templating system is one of the fastest as it compiles the templates in bytecode. Also Bottle has no depenencies, preventing dependency bloat.

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Decisions about Django, Flask, and Laravel

I have used both the tools . Both of them are super awesome , very reliable and their learning curve is also super easy. But, the reason I choose Ruby on Rails over Django is the fact that the dependency injection is super easy in Rails than Django. What I mean is the fact that, Django requires a lot of import statement to do a lot of work, which remembering is not so easy and even after that you may need to write a lot of code. But Ruby on Rails uses gem to add addition feature or dependency in the project. Which requires just copying the gem statement from github and pasting it in the Gemfile, then running bundle install(these days just bundle works super fine). And there you are with the new feature in your app. You can see this with the example of Authentication, where in Django you require several steps like adding class based views and many more, but in rails it's just as easy as installing the 'devise' gem . And if you want to make it beautiful use bootstrap_template gem to make it look prettier. Now with Rails 6 , Rails is a total developer's fervent friend because it has come up with features like Action Mail and Action Text.

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washie mugo

i find python quite resourceful. given the bulk of libraries that python has and the trends of the tech i find django which runs on python to be the framework of choice to the upcoming web services and application. Laravel on the other hand which is powered by PHP is also quite resourceful and great for startups and common web applications.

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Since I came from python I had two choices: #django or #flask. It felt like it was a better idea to go for #django considering I was building a blogging platform, this is kind of what #django was made for. On the other hand, #rails seems to be a fantastic framework to get things done. Although I do not regret any of my time spent on developing with #django I want to give #rails a try some day in the future for the sake of curiosity.

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Ing. Alvaro Rodríguez Scelza
Software Systems Engineer at Ripio · | 9 upvotes · 482.4K views

Decided to change all my stack to microsoft technologies for they behave just great together. It is very easy to set up and deploy projects using visual studio and azure. Visual studio is also an amazing IDE, if not the best, when used for C#, it allows you to work in every aspect of your software.

Visual studio templates for ASP.NET MVC are the best I've found compared to django, rails, laravel, and others.

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Christopher Wray
Web Developer at Soltech LLC · | 6 upvotes · 388.2K views

When I started on this project as the sole developer, I was new to web development and I was looking at all of the web frameworks available for the job. I had some experience with Ruby on Rails and I had looked into .net for a bit, but when I found Laravel, it felt like the best framework for me to get the product to market. What made me choose Laravel was the easy to read documentation and active community. Rails had great documentation, but lacked some features built in that I wanted out of the box, while .net had a ton of video documentation tutorials, but nothing as straightforward as Laravels. So far, I am happy with the decision I made, and looking forward to the website release!

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We initially though we would use Django because it seemed to have a lot of the things we needed out of the box. After a bit of research we realized that using Flask would be a better option since it is more flexible and would be lighter for our purposes. Having set up our REST api using Flask we believe that we did make the right decision. We found that the flexibility of Flask along with the many extensions available for it to be very appealing. We were able to add the functionality we needed without much difficulty thanks to the quality of the extensions and their documentation.

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We are planning to use Django since it is more feature-rich out of the box and will help us get our applications' backend up and running as soon as possible. Since we are planning to use Python as our primary language for our machine learning, using a python based REST API is going to be really beneficial for us in the early stages. Even though, both the developers on the team have not worked with Django, are confident that it will be able to provide us with a rich experience given the large community that exists. We might go over this decision as we make progress, and design software to accommodate that.

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David Moss

Flask is light weight and not as opinionated as Django but it then leaves a lot of the glue to do. Having worked with both before nothing beats the great ORM of Django to manage the data connections. Add to this the large range of libraries like the REST framework and south migrations makes rapid development both easy and enjoyable.

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Pros of Django
Pros of Flask
Pros of Laravel
  • 670
    Rapid development
  • 487
    Open source
  • 424
    Great community
  • 379
    Easy to learn
  • 276
  • 232
    Beautiful code
  • 223
  • 206
  • 203
    Great packages
  • 194
    Great libraries
  • 79
    Comes with auth and crud admin panel
  • 79
  • 78
  • 75
    Great documentation
  • 71
    Great for web
  • 57
  • 43
    Great orm
  • 41
    Great for api
  • 32
    All included
  • 29
  • 25
    Web Apps
  • 23
    Easy setup
  • 23
  • 21
    Used by top startups
  • 19
  • 19
  • 15
    The Django community
  • 14
    Allows for very rapid development with great libraries
  • 14
    Convention over configuration
  • 11
    King of backend world
  • 10
    Full stack
  • 10
    Great MVC and templating engine
  • 8
    Fast prototyping
  • 8
  • 7
    Easy to develop end to end AI Models
  • 7
    Batteries included
  • 7
    Its elegant and practical
  • 6
    Have not found anything that it can't do
  • 6
    Very quick to get something up and running
  • 6
  • 5
    Easy Structure , useful inbuilt library
  • 5
    Great peformance
  • 5
    Zero code burden to change databases
  • 5
    Python community
  • 4
  • 4
    Just the right level of abstraction
  • 4
    Easy to change database manager
  • 4
  • 4
    Many libraries
  • 4
    Easy to use
  • 4
  • 4
    Full-Text Search
  • 3
  • 1
  • 1
    Built in common security
  • 1
  • 1
    Great default admin panel
  • 1
    Node js
  • 1
    Gigante ta
  • 0
  • 14
  • 10
    For it flexibility
  • 9
    Flexibilty and easy to use
  • 8
  • 7
    User friendly
  • 6
  • 5
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
    Beautiful code
  • 1
    Easy to get started
  • 1
    Easy to develop and maintain applications
  • 1
    Not JS
  • 1
    Easy to use
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
    Easy to setup and get it going
  • 1
    Perfect for small to large projects with superb docs.
  • 1
    Easy to integrate
  • 1
  • 1
    Get started quickly
  • 1
  • 1
    Simple to use
  • 1
  • 1
    Rapid development
  • 0
    Open source
  • 0
    Well designed
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
    Love it
  • 553
    Clean architecture
  • 392
    Growing community
  • 370
    Composer friendly
  • 344
    Open source
  • 324
    The only framework to consider for php
  • 220
  • 210
    Quickly develop
  • 168
    Dependency injection
  • 156
    Application architecture
  • 143
    Embraces good community packages
  • 73
    Write less, do more
  • 71
    Orm (eloquent)
  • 66
    Restful routing
  • 57
    Database migrations & seeds
  • 55
    Artisan scaffolding and migrations
  • 41
    Great documentation
  • 40
  • 30
    Awsome, Powerfull, Fast and Rapid
  • 29
    Build Apps faster, easier and better
  • 28
    Eloquent ORM
  • 26
    Promotes elegant coding
  • 26
    Modern PHP
  • 26
    JSON friendly
  • 25
    Most easy for me
  • 24
    Easy to learn, scalability
  • 23
  • 22
    Blade Template
  • 21
  • 15
  • 15
    Based on SOLID
  • 13
    Clean Documentation
  • 13
    Easy to attach Middleware
  • 13
  • 12
  • 12
    Convention over Configuration
  • 11
    Easy Request Validatin
  • 10
  • 10
  • 10
    Easy to use
  • 9
    Get going quickly straight out of the box. BYOKDM
  • 9
    Its just wow
  • 8
    Laravel + Cassandra = Killer Framework
  • 8
    Simplistic , easy and faster
  • 8
    Friendly API
  • 7
    Less dependencies
  • 7
    Super easy and powerful
  • 6
    Great customer support
  • 6
    Its beautiful to code in
  • 5
  • 5
  • 5
  • 5
    Minimum system requirements
  • 5
    Laravel Mix
  • 5
  • 5
    The only "cons" is wrong! No static method just Facades
  • 5
    Fast and Clarify framework
  • 5
    Active Record
  • 5
  • 4
    Ease of use
  • 4
  • 4
    Laravel casher
  • 4
    Easy views handling and great ORM
  • 4
    Laravel Forge and Envoy
  • 4
    Cashier with Braintree and Stripe
  • 3
    Laravel Passport
  • 3
    Laravel Spark
  • 3
    Intuitive usage
  • 3
    Laravel Horizon and Telescope
  • 3
    Laravel Nova
  • 3
    Rapid development
  • 2
    Laravel Vite
  • 2
  • 2
  • 1
    Succint sintax

Sign up to add or upvote prosMake informed product decisions

Cons of Django
Cons of Flask
Cons of Laravel
  • 26
    Underpowered templating
  • 22
    Autoreload restarts whole server
  • 22
    Underpowered ORM
  • 15
    URL dispatcher ignores HTTP method
  • 10
    Internal subcomponents coupling
  • 8
    Not nodejs
  • 8
    Configuration hell
  • 7
  • 5
    Not as clean and nice documentation like Laravel
  • 4
  • 3
    Not typed
  • 3
    Bloated admin panel included
  • 2
    Overwhelming folder structure
  • 2
    InEffective Multithreading
  • 1
    Not type safe
  • 10
    Not JS
  • 7
  • 5
    Not fast
  • 1
    Don't has many module as in spring
  • 54
  • 33
    Too many dependency
  • 23
    Slower than the other two
  • 17
    A lot of static method calls for convenience
  • 15
    Too many include
  • 13
  • 9
  • 8
  • 7
  • 5
    Too underrated
  • 4
    Not fast with MongoDB
  • 1
    Slow and too much big
  • 1
    Not using SOLID principles
  • 1
    Difficult to learn

Sign up to add or upvote consMake informed product decisions