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FOSSA vs Snyk: What are the differences?


FOSSA and Snyk are both software development tools that focus on managing and ensuring the security of open source components used in projects. However, there are key differences between the two:

  1. Integration with CI/CD pipelines: FOSSA provides extensive support for integration with a wide range of CI/CD pipelines, including popular options like Jenkins, GitLab, and Travis CI. This allows developers to seamlessly incorporate FOSSA's capabilities into their existing development workflows. On the other hand, Snyk offers similar integration options but with a more limited selection of CI/CD pipelines.

  2. License compliance management: While both FOSSA and Snyk offer features for identifying open source dependencies and their associated licenses, FOSSA goes a step further by providing comprehensive license compliance management. FOSSA's platform allows users to track the licenses used in their projects, assess license compatibility, and enforce compliance policies. Snyk, on the other hand, primarily focuses on vulnerability detection and mitigation.

  3. Enterprise-grade security: FOSSA positions itself as an enterprise-grade solution, with advanced security features tailored for large organizations. FOSSA offers features such as fine-grained access control, audit logs, and security reports that provide deep insights into the security posture of projects at scale. While Snyk also targets enterprise users, FOSSA's security capabilities are specifically designed to address the needs of larger organizations.

  4. Dependency management: Both FOSSA and Snyk provide dependency management capabilities, allowing developers to track and manage their project's open source dependencies. However, Snyk places a stronger emphasis on this aspect and offers additional features such as automated dependency updates and support for different package managers. FOSSA, on the other hand, focuses more on comprehensive security and compliance management.

  5. Customizable policies: FOSSA provides users with the ability to customize policies and create specific rules for vulnerability and license compliance. This allows organizations to enforce their own security and compliance standards. Snyk, while offering some degree of customization, has more limited options when it comes to policy configuration and enforcement.

  6. Developer-centric approach: Snyk takes a more developer-centric approach with its user interface and experience. The tool emphasizes simplicity and ease of use, making it more accessible to developers of all skill levels. FOSSA, on the other hand, provides a more comprehensive and feature-rich platform, which may be better suited for organizations with more complex requirements.

In summary, FOSSA and Snyk differ in their integration capabilities with CI/CD pipelines, the extent of license compliance management features, focus on enterprise-grade security, approach to dependency management, level of customizable policies, and user experience. Ultimately, the choice between FOSSA and Snyk depends on the specific needs and priorities of the organization or development team.

Advice on FOSSA and Snyk
Bryan Dady
SRE Manager at Subsplash · | 5 upvotes · 432.3K views

I'm beginning to research the right way to better integrate how we achieve SCA / shift-left / SecureDevOps / secure software supply chain. If you use or have evaluated WhiteSource, Snyk, Sonatype Nexus, SonarQube or similar, I would very much appreciate your perspective on strengths and weaknesses and how you selected your ultimate solution. I want to integrate with GitLab CI.

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Replies (1)
Moises Figueroa
DevOps Engineer at Ingenium Code · | 2 upvotes · 29.1K views

I'd recommend Snyk since it provides an IDE extension for Developers, SAST, auto PR security fixes, container, IaC and includes open source scanning as well. I like their scoring method as well for better prioritization. I was able to remove most of the containers and cli tools I had in my pipelines since Snyk covers secrets, vulns, security and some code cleaning. SAST has false positives but the scoring helps. Also had to spend time putting some training docs but their engineers helped out with content.

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Pros of FOSSA
Pros of Snyk
  • 1
    Easy to integrate
  • 1
    Fewer false positives
  • 1
    Native to CI
  • 1
    Supports full text license scanning
  • 10
    Github Integration
  • 5
    Free for open source projects
  • 4
    Finds lots of real vulnerabilities
  • 1
    Easy to deployed

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Cons of FOSSA
Cons of Snyk
    Be the first to leave a con
    • 2
      Does not integrated with SonarQube
    • 1
      No malware detection
    • 1
      No surface monitoring
    • 1
      Complex UI
    • 1
      False positives

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    - No public GitHub repository available -

    What is FOSSA?

    Continuously scan and comply with open source licenses across your deep dependencies.

    What is Snyk?

    Automatically find & fix vulnerabilities in your code, containers, Kubernetes, and Terraform

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