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Gardener vs Rancher: What are the differences?

Comparison between Gardener and Rancher

Gardener and Rancher are both popular container management platforms that offer features for deploying and managing containerized applications. However, they have key differences that make them suitable for different use cases. Here are the key differences between Gardener and Rancher:

  1. Architecture: Gardener is built on top of Kubernetes and is designed to support multi-cluster and multi-cloud scenarios. It provides a unified control plane for managing multiple Kubernetes clusters across different cloud providers. On the other hand, Rancher is a standalone platform that can manage Kubernetes clusters as well as other container orchestration systems like Docker Swarm and Apache Mesos. It offers a centralized management interface for all types of container orchestration platforms.

  2. Deployment: Gardener focuses on automated cluster provisioning and deployment. It provides a declarative approach for defining cluster specifications and uses infrastructure-as-code principles to provision clusters on-demand. Rancher, on the other hand, allows for both automated and manual cluster provisioning. It offers a user-friendly web interface for deploying and managing clusters, making it suitable for users who prefer a GUI-based approach.

  3. Supported Platforms: Gardener supports a wide range of cloud providers, including public providers like AWS, Azure, and GCP, as well as private cloud platforms like OpenStack and VMware. It also offers support for on-premises deployments. Rancher, on the other hand, supports a similar set of cloud providers but also provides support for bare-metal deployments, making it suitable for both cloud and edge computing scenarios.

  4. Ecosystem Integrations: Gardener integrates well with the Kubernetes ecosystem, leveraging the rich set of tools and services available in the Kubernetes community. It supports the deployment of Helm charts, customization via Kubernetes Operators, and seamless integration with popular CI/CD tools. Rancher, on the other hand, has a strong ecosystem of its own, with its own marketplace of applications and tools. It provides a wide range of built-in integrations with third-party services, making it suitable for users who want an all-in-one platform.

  5. Scalability and Availability: Gardener is designed to be highly scalable and resilient. It supports the automatic scaling of clusters, allowing users to scale up or down based on resource demands. It also provides built-in mechanisms for high availability, ensuring that clusters remain operational even in the event of failures. Rancher, on the other hand, provides similar scalability and availability features but also offers advanced capabilities like workload scheduling and resource allocation policies for fine-grained control.

  6. Community and Support: Gardener is an open-source project and has an active community of contributors. It benefits from the extensive support and collaboration of the Kubernetes community. Rancher, on the other hand, is developed by Rancher Labs and offers commercial support options along with its open-source offering. It provides enterprise-grade support and additional features that cater to the needs of organizations with more specific requirements.

In summary, Gardener and Rancher are container management platforms with different architectural approaches and target use cases. Gardener focuses on multi-cluster and multi-cloud scenarios with automated provisioning and Kubernetes ecosystem integrations, while Rancher offers a more versatile platform with support for multiple container orchestration systems, bare-metal deployments, and a wide range of built-in integrations.

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Pros of Gardener
Pros of Rancher
  • 2
    It works across clouds and on-prem
  • 103
    Easy to use
  • 79
    Open source and totally free
  • 63
    Multi-host docker-compose support
  • 58
    Load balancing and health check included
  • 58
  • 44
    Rolling upgrades, green/blue upgrades feature
  • 42
    Dns and service discovery out-of-the-box
  • 37
    Only requires docker
  • 34
    Multitenant and permission management
  • 29
    Easy to use and feature rich
  • 11
    Cross cloud compatible
  • 11
    Does everything needed for a docker infrastructure
  • 8
    Simple and powerful
  • 8
    Next-gen platform
  • 7
    Very Docker-friendly
  • 6
    Support Kubernetes and Swarm
  • 6
    Application catalogs with stack templates (wizards)
  • 6
    Supports Apache Mesos, Docker Swarm, and Kubernetes
  • 6
    Rolling and blue/green upgrades deployments
  • 6
    High Availability service: keeps your app up 24/7
  • 5
    Easy to use service catalog
  • 4
    Very intuitive UI
  • 4
    IaaS-vendor independent, supports hybrid/multi-cloud
  • 4
    Awesome support
  • 3
  • 2
    Requires less infrastructure requirements

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Cons of Gardener
Cons of Rancher
    Be the first to leave a con
    • 10
      Hosting Rancher can be complicated

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    What is Gardener?

    Many Open Source tools exist which help in creating and updating single Kubernetes clusters. However, the more clusters you need the harder it becomes to operate, monitor, manage and keep all of them alive and up-to-date. And that is exactly what project Gardener focuses on.

    What is Rancher?

    Rancher is an open source container management platform that includes full distributions of Kubernetes, Apache Mesos and Docker Swarm, and makes it simple to operate container clusters on any cloud or infrastructure platform.

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      May 21 2020 at 12:02AM

      Rancher Labs

      KubernetesAmazon EC2Grafana+12
      Apr 16 2020 at 5:34AM

      Rancher Labs

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