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GitLocalize vs Smartling: What are the differences?

  1. Integration with Version Control Systems: GitLocalize is specifically designed to integrate with Git repositories, allowing for seamless localization of software projects directly within the development workflow. On the other hand, Smartling is a standalone localization platform that can be used across a variety of projects and doesn't require integration with a version control system.

  2. Translation Memory and Glossary Management: Smartling offers advanced features for managing translation memory and glossaries, allowing for consistent terminology across all localized content. In contrast, GitLocalize focuses more on the automation and synchronization of translation updates between code repositories and the localization platform.

  3. Collaboration and Workflow: Smartling provides a robust collaboration environment with features like real-time editing, comment threads, and revision history tracking, making it ideal for large teams working on complex localization projects. GitLocalize, on the other hand, streamlines the localization workflow for developers, focusing on automating the translation process and keeping translations up-to-date with code changes.

  4. Customization and Flexibility: Smartling offers a high level of customization with options for language variant support, customized workflows, and integrations with third-party tools. GitLocalize, while more streamlined in its approach, provides a developer-friendly interface with automation tools tailored to the needs of software localization projects.

  5. Cost Structure: GitLocalize offers a straightforward pricing model based on the number of words translated, making it easy to estimate costs for localization projects. Smartling, on the other hand, has a more complex pricing structure based on factors such as number of users, number of languages, and additional features, which may be more suitable for larger enterprises with specific localization requirements.

  6. Customer Support and Documentation: Smartling is known for its extensive customer support options, including dedicated account managers, training resources, and 24/7 support. GitLocalize, while offering excellent technical documentation and online resources, may not provide the same level of personalized support as Smartling for complex localization projects.

In Summary, GitLocalize excels in seamless integration with Git repositories and a developer-focused approach, while Smartling offers advanced features for collaboration, translation memory management, and customization tailored to the needs of larger enterprises.

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    What is GitLocalize?

    GitLocalize is a continuous localization tool built for communities and teams that want to simplify their workflow when translating their content. GitLocalize automatically syncs with your repository so you can keep your workflow on GitHub.

    What is Smartling?

    Smartling takes the complexity, cost and time out of the translation process by providing companies with an automated, cloud-based translation management platform and comprehensive translation services.

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