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Google BigQuery vs Neo4j: What are the differences?


Google BigQuery and Neo4j are two popular technologies used for data storage and processing. While they both have their strengths, they also have key differences that set them apart from each other. In this article, we will explore these differences in detail.

1. Scalability and Performance:

Google BigQuery is a highly scalable data warehouse that can handle massive amounts of data and process queries at a high speed. It uses a distributed architecture to parallelize the execution of queries, allowing it to scale horizontally and handle large workloads efficiently. On the other hand, Neo4j is a graph database that excels in handling complex relationships and traversing large graphs. It is designed for highly connected data and provides high-performance, real-time graph processing capabilities.

2. Data Model:

Google BigQuery follows a tabular data model, similar to traditional relational databases. It stores data in tables with rows and columns, and queries are performed using SQL-like syntax. Neo4j, on the other hand, follows a graph data model. It represents data as nodes and relationships, allowing for flexible and expressive querying of complex relationships. Neo4j's graph model is well-suited for applications that require deep and complex analysis of relationships.

3. Querying Capabilities:

Google BigQuery supports ANSI SQL queries, which are widely supported and familiar to many users. It also provides advanced querying features such as window functions and nested queries. BigQuery is optimized for running analytical queries on large datasets and can handle complex aggregations and joins efficiently. Neo4j, as a graph database, provides a query language called Cypher, specifically designed for graph traversal and pattern matching. Cypher allows users to express complex graph queries in a concise and intuitive manner.

4. Use Cases:

Google BigQuery is commonly used for data warehousing, business intelligence, and analytics. It is well-suited for scenarios where structured and semi-structured data needs to be analyzed at scale. On the other hand, Neo4j is often used for applications that require querying and analyzing highly connected data, such as social networks, recommendation engines, and fraud detection systems. Its graph-based approach allows for efficient navigation and querying of complex relationships.

5. Data Integration:

Google BigQuery integrates well with other Google Cloud Platform services and supports data ingestion from various sources, including streaming data. It provides connectors for popular data integration tools and frameworks, making it easy to load data from different systems. Neo4j, on the other hand, provides integration capabilities with different programming languages and frameworks through its drivers and APIs. It also supports data import and export in various formats, allowing users to integrate with different data sources and workflows.

6. Data Consistency and Transactions:

Google BigQuery is built for eventual consistency rather than strong consistency. It uses a columnar storage format and is optimized for read-heavy workloads. While it supports ACID transactions within a single query, it does not offer multi-row ACID transactions across multiple queries. In contrast, Neo4j provides strong consistency guarantees and supports ACID transactions for both read and write operations. It ensures data integrity and allows for complex multi-transactional operations within the graph.

In Summary, Google BigQuery is a scalable data warehouse optimized for analytical queries on large datasets, using a tabular data model and SQL-like syntax. On the other hand, Neo4j is a graph database designed for efficient traversal and querying of highly connected data, using a graph data model and the Cypher query language. Both technologies have their strengths and are suitable for different use cases based on the nature of the data and the analytical requirements.

Advice on Google BigQuery and Neo4j
Jaime Ramos
Needs advice

Hi, I want to create a social network for students, and I was wondering which of these three Oriented Graph DB's would you recommend. I plan to implement machine learning algorithms such as k-means and others to give recommendations and some basic data analyses; also, everything is going to be hosted in the cloud, so I expect the DB to be hosted there. I want the queries to be as fast as possible, and I like good tools to monitor my data. I would appreciate any recommendations or thoughts.


I released the MVP 6 months ago and got almost 600 users just from my university in Colombia, But now I want to expand it all over my country. I am expecting more or less 20000 users.

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Replies (3)

I have not used the others but I agree, ArangoDB should meet your needs. If you have worked with RDBMS and SQL before Arango will be a easy transition. AQL is simple yet powerful and deployment can be as small or large as you need. I love the fact that for my local development I can run it as docker container as part of my project and for production I can have multiple machines in a cluster. The project is also under active development and with the latest round of funding I feel comfortable that it will be around a while.

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David López Felguera
Full Stack Developer at NPAW · | 5 upvotes · 48.7K views

Hi Jaime. I've worked with Neo4j and ArangoDB for a few years and for me, I prefer to use ArangoDB because its query sintax (AQL) is easier. I've built a network topology with both databases and now ArangoDB is the databases for that network topology. Also, ArangoDB has ArangoML that maybe can help you with your recommendation algorithims.

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Hi Jaime, I work with Arango for about 3 years quite a lot. Before I do some investigation and choose ArangoDB against Neo4j due to multi-type DB, speed, and also clustering (but we do not use it now). Now we have RMDB and Graph working together. As others said, AQL is quite easy, but u can use some of the drivers like Java Spring, that get you to another level.. If you prefer more copy-paste with little rework, perhaps Neo4j can do the job for you, because there is a bigger community around it.. But I have to solve some issues with the ArangoDB community and its also fast. So I will preffere ArangoDB... Btw, there is a super easy Foxx Microservice tool on Arango that can help you solve basic things faster than write down robust BackEnd.

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Decisions about Google BigQuery and Neo4j
Julien Lafont

Cloud Data-warehouse is the centerpiece of modern Data platform. The choice of the most suitable solution is therefore fundamental.

Our benchmark was conducted over BigQuery and Snowflake. These solutions seem to match our goals but they have very different approaches.

BigQuery is notably the only 100% serverless cloud data-warehouse, which requires absolutely NO maintenance: no re-clustering, no compression, no index optimization, no storage management, no performance management. Snowflake requires to set up (paid) reclustering processes, to manage the performance allocated to each profile, etc. We can also mention Redshift, which we have eliminated because this technology requires even more ops operation.

BigQuery can therefore be set up with almost zero cost of human resources. Its on-demand pricing is particularly adapted to small workloads. 0 cost when the solution is not used, only pay for the query you're running. But quickly the use of slots (with monthly or per-minute commitment) will drastically reduce the cost of use. We've reduced by 10 the cost of our nightly batches by using flex slots.

Finally, a major advantage of BigQuery is its almost perfect integration with Google Cloud Platform services: Cloud functions, Dataflow, Data Studio, etc.

BigQuery is still evolving very quickly. The next milestone, BigQuery Omni, will allow to run queries over data stored in an external Cloud platform (Amazon S3 for example). It will be a major breakthrough in the history of cloud data-warehouses. Omni will compensate a weakness of BigQuery: transferring data in near real time from S3 to BQ is not easy today. It was even simpler to implement via Snowflake's Snowpipe solution.

We also plan to use the Machine Learning features built into BigQuery to accelerate our deployment of Data-Science-based projects. An opportunity only offered by the BigQuery solution

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Pros of Google BigQuery
Pros of Neo4j
  • 28
    High Performance
  • 25
    Easy to use
  • 22
    Fully managed service
  • 19
    Cheap Pricing
  • 16
    Process hundreds of GB in seconds
  • 12
    Big Data
  • 11
    Full table scans in seconds, no indexes needed
  • 8
    Always on, no per-hour costs
  • 6
    Good combination with fluentd
  • 4
    Machine learning
  • 1
    Easy to manage
  • 0
    Easy to learn
  • 70
    Cypher – graph query language
  • 61
    Great graphdb
  • 33
    Open source
  • 31
    Rest api
  • 27
    High-Performance Native API
  • 23
  • 21
    Easy setup
  • 17
    Great support
  • 11
  • 9
    Hot Backups
  • 8
    Great Web Admin UI
  • 7
    Powerful, flexible data model
  • 7
  • 6
  • 5
    Easy to Use and Model
  • 4
    Best Graphdb
  • 4
  • 2
    It's awesome, I wanted to try it
  • 2
    Great onboarding process
  • 2
    Great query language and built in data browser
  • 2
    Used by Crunchbase

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Cons of Google BigQuery
Cons of Neo4j
  • 1
    You can't unit test changes in BQ data
  • 9
    Comparably slow
  • 4
    Can't store a vertex as JSON
  • 1
    Doesn't have a managed cloud service at low cost

Sign up to add or upvote consMake informed product decisions

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What is Google BigQuery?

Run super-fast, SQL-like queries against terabytes of data in seconds, using the processing power of Google's infrastructure. Load data with ease. Bulk load your data using Google Cloud Storage or stream it in. Easy access. Access BigQuery by using a browser tool, a command-line tool, or by making calls to the BigQuery REST API with client libraries such as Java, PHP or Python.

What is Neo4j?

Neo4j stores data in nodes connected by directed, typed relationships with properties on both, also known as a Property Graph. It is a high performance graph store with all the features expected of a mature and robust database, like a friendly query language and ACID transactions.

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What are some alternatives to Google BigQuery and Neo4j?
Google Cloud Bigtable
Google Cloud Bigtable offers you a fast, fully managed, massively scalable NoSQL database service that's ideal for web, mobile, and Internet of Things applications requiring terabytes to petabytes of data. Unlike comparable market offerings, Cloud Bigtable doesn't require you to sacrifice speed, scale, or cost efficiency when your applications grow. Cloud Bigtable has been battle-tested at Google for more than 10 years—it's the database driving major applications such as Google Analytics and Gmail.
Amazon Redshift
It is optimized for data sets ranging from a few hundred gigabytes to a petabyte or more and costs less than $1,000 per terabyte per year, a tenth the cost of most traditional data warehousing solutions.
The Apache Hadoop software library is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using simple programming models. It is designed to scale up from single servers to thousands of machines, each offering local computation and storage.
Snowflake eliminates the administration and management demands of traditional data warehouses and big data platforms. Snowflake is a true data warehouse as a service running on Amazon Web Services (AWS)—no infrastructure to manage and no knobs to turn.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics lets you measure your advertising ROI as well as track your Flash, video, and social networking sites and applications.
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