Google Cloud Speech API vs Recast.AI

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Google Cloud Speech API

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Google Cloud Speech API vs Recast.AI: What are the differences?

What is Google Cloud Speech API? Speech to text conversion powered by machine learning. Google Cloud Speech API enables developers to convert audio to text by applying powerful neural network models in an easy to use API. The API recognizes over 80 languages and variants, to support your global user base.

What is Recast.AI? Create the most advanced bots in the simplest way. Our artificial intelligence is agile: just create a few inputs and it will learn to detect the common meaning behind new sentences. Leverage the community to quickly build your bot with ready to use building blocks.

Google Cloud Speech API can be classified as a tool in the "Speech Recognition as a Service" category, while Recast.AI is grouped under "Chatbot Platforms & Tools".

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Pros of Google Cloud Speech API
Pros of Recast.AI
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    More accurate than AbbyyOCR for images from smartphone
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    What is Google Cloud Speech API?

    Google Cloud Speech API enables developers to convert audio to text by applying powerful neural network models in an easy to use API. The API recognizes over 80 languages and variants, to support your global user base.

    What is Recast.AI?

    Our artificial intelligence is agile: just create a few inputs and it will learn to detect the common meaning behind new sentences. Leverage the community to quickly build your bot with ready to use building blocks.

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    What companies use Recast.AI?
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      What tools integrate with Google Cloud Speech API?
      What tools integrate with Recast.AI?
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        What are some alternatives to Google Cloud Speech API and Recast.AI?
        Transcribe phone calls or build voice powered apps. Recognize unlimited industry specific words and phrases without any training required. All at simple, affordable pricing.
        Deepgram helps you harness the potential of your voice data with intelligent speech models built to scale and continuously improve over time. The API is the gateway to Deepgram's Brain AI models, and gives you customizable access to fast, high accuracy transcription and phonetic search. Deepgram Brain can understand nearly every audio format available.
        It is the first multilingual and industry-specific transcription service that can transcribe audio/video with close to human accuracy. It can accurately transcribe conference calls, interviews, podcasts, lectures, and meeting records in more than 30 different languages and dialects. It is now almost as accurate as human transcriptionists.
        See all alternatives