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Grav vs Publii: What are the differences?

  1. File Structure and Flexibility: Grav follows a flat file structure, allowing users to easily edit files directly. Publii, on the other hand, uses a structured folder system, providing a more organized approach to managing content and files. This difference in file structure can impact user experience based on preferences for file management.

  2. Themes and Templates: Grav offers a wide range of themes and templates that can be customized extensively using Twig templating. Publii, however, has a limited selection of themes available, and customization options are restricted to settings within the software. This difference in theme availability and customization capabilities can affect the design flexibility of websites created on each platform.

  3. User Interface and Ease of Use: Grav requires users to have some technical knowledge due to its reliance on Markdown and YAML files. Publii is designed with simplicity in mind, providing a user-friendly interface for content creation without the need for coding skills. This difference in user interface and ease of use can influence the learning curve and accessibility for users of varying technical backgrounds.

  4. Hosting and Server Requirements: Grav is self-hosted, allowing users to have full control over their website's hosting and server requirements. Publii, being a desktop-based CMS, does not require users to manage hosting or server configurations, providing a simpler setup process. This difference in hosting options can impact overall website performance and maintenance for users with different hosting preferences.

  5. Plugins and Extensions: Grav relies heavily on plugins and extensions for additional functionality, with a wide selection available for users to enhance their websites. Publii, on the other hand, has limited plugin support, offering only essential features built into the software. This difference in plugin availability can influence the scalability and customization options for websites built on each platform.

  6. Community Support and Documentation: Grav has a strong community of developers contributing to its documentation and support forums, offering extensive resources for troubleshooting and development. Publii, while growing, has a smaller community compared to Grav, potentially impacting the availability of resources and assistance for users. This difference in community support and documentation can play a role in the overall user experience and problem-solving capabilities for each platform.

In Summary, Grav and Publii differ in file structure, themes, user interface, hosting, plugins, and community support, impacting the customization options, ease of use, and user experience on each platform.

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Pros of Grav
Pros of Publii
  • 4
    Easy to Update
  • 3
    No Databases
  • 2
    Fast Performance
  • 2
    Extensive Plugins
  • 2
    Strong Security
  • 2
    Full Control over customisation + functionality
  • 1
    Ligth storage use
  • 2
    Fast load pages
  • 1
    Easy to use

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Cons of Grav
Cons of Publii
  • 2
    Not easily to intergrate as an eCommerce (yet)
    Be the first to leave a con

    Sign up to add or upvote consMake informed product decisions

    - No public GitHub repository available -

    What is Grav?

    It is a free, open-source and self-hosted content management system (CMS) based on the PHP programming language and Symfony web application framework. It uses a flat file database for both backend and frontend. It is more widely used, and growing at a faster rate, than other leading flat-file CMS competitors.

    What is Publii?

    Free, Open-Source Static Website CMS for Windows and MacOS

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      What tools integrate with Grav?
      What tools integrate with Publii?
      What are some alternatives to Grav and Publii?
      The open source, developer & designer-first, Laravel + Git powered CMS built to make managing websites easy with Git.
      The core software is built by hundreds of community volunteers, and when you’re ready for more there are thousands of plugins and themes available to transform your site into almost anything you can imagine. Over 60 million people have chosen WordPress to power the place on the web they call “home” — we’d love you to join the family.
      Joomla is a simple and powerful web server application and it requires a server with PHP and either MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server to run it.
      Hugo is a static site generator written in Go. It is optimized for speed, easy use and configurability. Hugo takes a directory with content and templates and renders them into a full html website. Hugo makes use of markdown files with front matter for meta data.
      Ghost is a platform dedicated to one thing: Publishing. It's beautifully designed, completely customisable and completely Open Source. Ghost allows you to write and publish your own blog, giving you the tools to make it easy and even fun to do.
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