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Thumbor vs imgix: What are the differences?

Key Differences Between Thumbor and imgix


In this article, we will explore the key differences between Thumbor and imgix, two popular image processing and delivery services.

  1. Cost Model: Thumbor is an open-source image manipulation tool that can be self-hosted or used as a cloud service with various pricing plans. On the other hand, imgix is a fully managed cloud-based image optimization and delivery platform that offers different pricing tiers based on usage.

  2. Image Transformation Options: Thumbor provides a rich set of image transformation options, including resizing, cropping, rotating, watermarking, and more. It also supports custom filters and allows users to define their own image processing algorithms. In contrast, imgix offers a comprehensive set of built-in image manipulation features, including resizing, cropping, adjusting sharpness, brightness, contrast, and a variety of filters. However, imgix does not provide the flexibility to define custom image processing algorithms.

  3. Integration and API: Thumbor provides a RESTful API that allows seamless integration with various applications and platforms. It can be easily integrated into existing workflows and systems. Imgix also offers a powerful API that enables developers to easily integrate image processing and delivery capabilities into their applications. It provides extensive documentation and libraries for various programming languages, making it easier to work with.

  4. Image Optimization: Thumbor focuses primarily on image manipulation and processing, while imgix goes beyond that and offers built-in image optimization features. Imgix automatically applies optimization techniques to images, such as lossless compression, adaptive format selection, and progressive loading. This helps to optimize image delivery, resulting in faster load times and improved user experience.

  5. Global CDN: Imgix leverages a global CDN (Content Delivery Network) to deliver images efficiently to users worldwide. It uses edge caching and smart routing algorithms to ensure fast and reliable image delivery. Thumbor, on the other hand, does not provide a built-in CDN and relies on the hosting infrastructure chosen by the user or cloud service provider.

  6. Custom Domain Support: Imgix allows users to use their own custom domains for image delivery, providing a seamless branding and integration experience. Thumbor, being an open-source solution, can also be configured to use custom domains, but the setup may require additional configuration and management.


Thumbor and imgix differ in their cost models, image transformation options, integration and API capabilities, image optimization features, global CDN support, and custom domain support.

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Pros of imgix
Pros of Thumbor
  • 28
    Image processing on demand
  • 24
    Easy setup
  • 18
    Smart Cropping
  • 18
    Reduce Development Costs
  • 15
  • 12
    Insanely Fast
  • 11
    Filters, resizing, blur and more as url parameters
  • 10
    Easy to understand pricing
  • 9
    Professional Features and Options
  • 6
    Lightyears better than ImageMagick
  • 6
    Excellent Face Detection
  • 5
    S3 as source
  • 4
    Scales to your company's needs
  • 4
    Great for Dynamic Compositing
  • 1
    Video encoding
  • 1
    Fast Image Delivery
  • 1
    Free tier
  • 1
    Amazing support
  • 1
    Great libraries and integrations
  • 1
    Automatic scrset generation
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    What is imgix?

    imgix is the leading platform for end-to-end visual media processing. With robust APIs, SDKs, and integrations, imgix empowers developers to optimize, transform, manage, and deliver images and videos at scale through simple URL parameters.

    What is Thumbor?

    It is a smart imaging service. It enables on-demand crop, resizing and flipping of images. It allows users to store and load images from anywhere needed. It's really simple to implement a new loader or storage.

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    What are some alternatives to imgix and Thumbor?
    It supports JPEG, PNG and GIF files. You can optimize your images in two ways - by providing an URL of the image you want to optimize or by uploading an image file directly to its API.
    Cloudinary is a cloud-based service that streamlines websites and mobile applications' entire image and video management needs - uploads, storage, administration, manipulations, and delivery.
    Cloudflare speeds up and protects millions of websites, APIs, SaaS services, and other properties connected to the Internet.
    Fastly's real-time content delivery network gives you total control over your content, unprecedented access to performance analytics, and the ability to instantly update content in 150 milliseconds.
    Uploadcare is file management platform and a CDN for user-generated content. It is a robust file API for uploading, managing, processing, rendering, optimizing, and delivering users’ content.
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