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Medium vs Posthaven: What are the differences?


In this article, we will discuss the key differences between Medium and Posthaven, two popular platforms for publishing content online.

  1. Content Creation and Collaboration: Medium is a user-friendly platform that allows users to easily create and publish articles with its intuitive editor. It also offers collaboration features, allowing multiple authors to contribute to a publication. On the other hand, Posthaven focuses more on simplicity and ease of use, providing a straightforward interface for content creation without the collaboration features found in Medium.

  2. Monetization Options: Medium offers a Partner Program, which allows writers to earn money based on readers' engagement with their articles. This program includes a paywall feature for selected articles, offering a potential revenue stream for content creators. In contrast, Posthaven does not offer any built-in monetization options, focusing solely on providing a reliable platform for content publishing.

  3. Design Customization: Medium provides users with a variety of design options, allowing them to customize the appearance of their publications and articles. This includes selecting different themes, fonts, and layouts, enabling users to create a unique and visually appealing reading experience. On the other hand, Posthaven offers limited design customization options, mainly focusing on simplicity and clean aesthetics rather than extensive customization.

  4. Audience and Discoverability: With a large and active user base, Medium offers a built-in audience for writers, allowing them to potentially reach a wider readership. The platform also provides various discovery features, such as recommendations and topic-based collections, which can increase the visibility of published content. Posthaven, however, does not have the same level of built-in audience and discovery features, relying more on external promotion and sharing efforts to reach an audience.

  5. Data Ownership and Control: One significant difference between Medium and Posthaven is the approach to data ownership and control. Medium retains the rights to the content published on its platform, giving them the ability to modify or remove articles if necessary. In contrast, Posthaven places a strong emphasis on data ownership and control, promising not to sell or modify any user content, and offering a guarantee that users can export their data at any time.

  6. Platform Stability and Longevity: Medium has gained a strong reputation and has been in operation since 2012, indicating its stability and longevity as a publishing platform. Posthaven, founded in 2012 as well, shares the same commitment to stability and longevity, with a focus on maintaining an ad-free and sustainable platform for the long term.

In summary, Medium offers more robust collaboration features, monetization options, design customization, audience reach, and data ownership compared to Posthaven. However, Posthaven prioritizes simplicity, reliability, and independence with its straightforward content creation interface, commitment to data ownership and control, and long-term platform stability.

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Pros of Medium
Pros of Posthaven
  • 61
    Beautiful UI
  • 34
  • 15
    Network effect
  • 12
    Embedding videos, tweets, vines
  • 12
    Great mobile app
  • 11
    Simple, yet elegant and appealing UX
  • 10
  • 9
    Word counter
  • 7
    Easy to gain traction
  • 4
    Idealized media consumption
  • 3
    Inline Comments & Discussions
  • 3
    Beautiful design. great content, excellent experience
  • 2
    Version history
  • 2
    Nice UI and UX
  • 2
    Embed medium
  • 2
  • 1
    Daily Digest
  • 4
  • 1
    Easy to use
  • 1
    Clean Design

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What is Medium?

Medium is a different kind of place on the internet. A place where the measure of success isn’t views, but viewpoints. Where the quality of the idea matters, not the author’s qualifications. A place where conversation pushes ideas forward.

What is Posthaven?

We need a good solid blog platform for ourselves, and we know our friends and colleagues need one too. That's why we started Posthaven. We're not going to show ads. We're not looking for investors. We're going to make money the best way we know how: charging for it. It will be everything you expect in a blog platform - simple and modern.

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    What are some alternatives to Medium and Posthaven?
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    JavaScript is most known as the scripting language for Web pages, but used in many non-browser environments as well such as node.js or Apache CouchDB. It is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm scripting language that is dynamic,and supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.
    Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
    GitHub is the best place to share code with friends, co-workers, classmates, and complete strangers. Over three million people use GitHub to build amazing things together.
    Python is a general purpose programming language created by Guido Van Rossum. Python is most praised for its elegant syntax and readable code, if you are just beginning your programming career python suits you best.
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