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Microsoft SharePoint vs OneNote: What are the differences?


In this article, we will discuss the key differences between Microsoft SharePoint and OneNote. While both tools are part of the Microsoft Office suite and facilitate collaboration and information sharing, they have specific features and use cases that set them apart.

  1. Structure and Functionality: Microsoft SharePoint is primarily designed as a platform for building and managing websites, intranets, and document repositories. It provides a centralized location for storing, organizing, and sharing files, documents, and other content. On the other hand, OneNote is a digital note-taking application that is more focused on personal organization and information capture. It allows users to create and organize individual notebook sections and pages, making it ideal for taking notes, brainstorming, and keeping track of personal information.

  2. Collaboration Capabilities: SharePoint offers robust collaboration features, enabling multiple users to work on documents simultaneously, track changes, and manage document versioning. It provides online co-authoring, document check-in/check-out, and workflow management capabilities. Additionally, SharePoint allows for the creation of team sites and collaboration areas with shared calendars, task lists, and discussion boards. In contrast, while OneNote does support collaboration to some extent by allowing multiple users to edit notebooks simultaneously, its collaboration features are not as extensive or advanced as those provided by SharePoint.

  3. Integration and Extensibility: SharePoint can be seamlessly integrated with other Microsoft Office applications, such as Outlook, Excel, and Word, as well as other third-party tools and services. It also allows for customizations and extensive development using SharePoint Designer, Visual Studio, and other tools. OneNote, while it can interact with other Office applications, is not as deeply integrated as SharePoint. It primarily focuses on stand-alone note-taking and personal productivity.

  4. Access and Availability: SharePoint is typically deployed as a web-based platform that can be accessed through a web browser, both on-premises or in the cloud (SharePoint Online). This allows users to access SharePoint sites and documents from anywhere, using any device with internet connectivity. OneNote, on the other hand, can be accessed through the OneNote web app and various mobile and desktop applications, making it available across multiple platforms and devices. OneNote notebooks can also be synchronized across devices using cloud storage services like Microsoft OneDrive.

  5. Document Management and Search: SharePoint offers powerful document management capabilities, including metadata tagging, content types, and enterprise-level search functionality. It allows for the creation of custom document workflows, document retention policies, and records management. OneNote, on the other hand, does not provide the same level of document management and search capabilities as SharePoint. While it does offer basic search functionality within notebooks, it is more suitable for personal organization and note retrieval rather than enterprise-level document management.

  6. Team Collaboration vs. Personal Productivity: The main distinction between SharePoint and OneNote lies in their primary use cases. SharePoint is designed for team collaboration, providing features for centralized document management, project management, enterprise search, and team collaboration sites. It is aimed at facilitating cooperation, communication, and information dissemination within organizations. OneNote, on the other hand, is more focused on personal productivity and individual note-taking. It enables users to capture, organize, and retrieve information for personal reference or use.

In summary, Microsoft SharePoint is a powerful platform for building websites, intranets, and document repositories, with robust collaboration and document management features. OneNote, on the other hand, is a digital note-taking application that focuses on personal organization and productivity. While both tools have their unique strengths and use cases, SharePoint is more suitable for team collaboration and enterprise-level document management, whereas OneNote is more geared towards personal note-taking and information capture.

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Pros of Microsoft SharePoint
Pros of OneNote
  • 3
    Great online support
  • 1
  • 1
    Perfect version control
  • 1
    Stable Platform
  • 1
    Seamless intergration with MS Office
  • 1
    Works great with OneDrive
  • 1
    Syncs quickly
  • 1
    Dark mode
  • 1
    Search text in images (OCR)

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Cons of Microsoft SharePoint
Cons of OneNote
  • 2
    Rigid, hard to add external applicaions
  • 1
    User interface. Steep learning curve, old-fashioned
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    What is Microsoft SharePoint?

    It empowers teamwork with dynamic and productive team sites for every project team, department, and division. Share and manage content, knowledge, and applications to empower teamwork, quickly find information, and seamlessly collaborate across the organization.

    What is OneNote?

    Get organized in notebooks you can divide into sections and pages. With easy navigation and search, you’ll always find your notes right where you left them. It gathers users' notes, drawings, screen clippings and audio commentaries. Notes can be shared with other OneNote users over the Internet or a network.

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    What are some alternatives to Microsoft SharePoint and OneNote?
    Capture the knowledge that's too often lost in email inboxes and shared network drives in Confluence instead – where it's easy to find, use, and update.
    Microsoft Teams
    See content and chat history anytime, including team chats with Skype that are visible to the whole team. Private group chats are available for smaller group conversations.
    Harness the power of Dropbox. Connect to an account, upload, download, search, and more.
    The Box API gives you access to the content management features you see in our web app and lets you extend them for use in your own app. It strives to be RESTful and is organized around the main resources you’re familiar with from the Box web interface.
    Google Drive
    Keep photos, stories, designs, drawings, recordings, videos, and more. Your first 15 GB of storage are free with a Google Account. Your files in Drive can be reached from any smartphone, tablet, or computer.
    See all alternatives