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Morpheus vs OpenNebula: What are the differences?


Morpheus and OpenNebula are two popular cloud management platforms that offer a wide range of features and functionalities. While both platforms aim to simplify and automate cloud infrastructure management, there are key differences between them that make them suitable for different use cases.

  1. Deployment and Scalability: Morpheus offers a highly scalable and easy-to-deploy infrastructure management solution, making it ideal for organizations of all sizes. On the other hand, OpenNebula is specifically designed for large-scale deployments, with its robust orchestration capabilities and support for distributed architectures.

  2. Supported Hypervisors: Morpheus supports a wider range of hypervisors, including VMware, Hyper-V, KVM, Xen, and more. This makes it more versatile and compatible with various virtualization technologies. OpenNebula, on the other hand, primarily focuses on supporting KVM and VMware hypervisors, which may limit its compatibility in certain environments.

  3. User Interface and Ease of Use: Morpheus provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface, allowing users to easily manage and provision resources in the cloud. It offers advanced features like drag-and-drop workflows, customizable dashboards, and a centralized view of multi-cloud resources. OpenNebula, although powerful, has a steeper learning curve and may require more technical expertise to operate efficiently.

  4. Integration and Extensibility: Morpheus offers extensive integration capabilities, allowing seamless integration with popular tools and technologies such as Ansible, Nagios, Slack, and more. It also provides an API-driven architecture, offering developers the flexibility to extend and customize the platform. OpenNebula also supports integrations but may not have the same level of flexibility and extensibility as Morpheus.

  5. Marketplace and App Catalog: Morpheus offers a built-in marketplace and app catalog, allowing users to discover and deploy a wide variety of pre-configured applications and services with ease. This simplifies the process of application deployment and accelerates time-to-market. OpenNebula, while it supports the deployment of applications, does not have a dedicated marketplace, which may require more manual configuration and setup.

  6. Multi-tenancy and RBAC: Morpheus provides robust multi-tenancy support, allowing organizations to create separate environments with isolated resources for different teams or clients. It also offers fine-grained Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), enabling granular control over user permissions and access privileges. OpenNebula also supports multi-tenancy and RBAC but may not have the same level of granularity and control as Morpheus.

In summary, Morpheus and OpenNebula differ in terms of deployment and scalability, supported hypervisors, user interface and ease of use, integration and extensibility, marketplace and app catalog, as well as multi-tenancy and RBAC capabilities. These differences make each platform suitable for different cloud management requirements and use cases.

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Pros of Morpheus
Pros of OpenNebula
  • 2
    Easy to deploy and use
  • 1
    Hybrid Cloud Management
  • 1
    Life cycle management
  • 1
    App provisioning
  • 1
    UI, API and CLI
  • 1
  • 1
    SDN - ACI, NSX, Neutron
  • 1
    Config Management-Chef,Puppet,Salt,Ansible,AnsibleTower
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
    Tagging, Env variables, cypher
  • 1
    Automation - Tasks and Workflows
  • 1
    Image builder
  • 1
    Infrastrcuture as Code
  • 1
    Platform as a Service
  • 1
    Infrastructure as Code, Platform as a Service
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    What is Morpheus?

    Morpheus is a cloud application management and orchestration platform that works on any cloud or infrastructure, from AWS to bare metal. Enjoy complete cloud freedom with Morpheus.

    What is OpenNebula?

    It provides a simple but feature-rich and flexible solution for the comprehensive management of virtualized data centers to enable on-premise enterprise clouds in existing infrastructures. It can be primarily used as a virtualization tool to manage your virtual infrastructure in the data-center or cluster, which is usually referred as Private Cloud. It supports Hybrid Cloud to combine local infrastructure with public cloud-based infrastructure, enabling highly scalable hosting environments.

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    What are some alternatives to Morpheus and OpenNebula?
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