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pgweb vs RailsAdmin: What are the differences?

What is pgweb? Web-based PostgreSQL database browser written in Go. This is a web-based browser for PostgreSQL database server. Its written in Go and works on Mac OSX, Linux and Windows machines. Main idea behind using Go for the backend is to utilize language's ability for cross-compile source code for multiple platforms. This project is an attempt to create a very simple and portable application to work with PostgreSQL databases.

What is RailsAdmin? A Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data. RailsAdmin is a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data.

pgweb and RailsAdmin can be categorized as "Database" tools.

Some of the features offered by pgweb are:

  • Connect to local or remote server
  • Browse tables and table rows
  • Get table details: structure, size, indices, row count

On the other hand, RailsAdmin provides the following key features:

  • CRUD any data with ease
  • Custom actions
  • Automatic form validation

pgweb and RailsAdmin are both open source tools. It seems that RailsAdmin with 7.09K GitHub stars and 2.08K forks on GitHub has more adoption than pgweb with 5.94K GitHub stars and 419 GitHub forks.

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Pros of pgweb
Pros of RailsAdmin
    Be the first to leave a pro
    • 8
      Easy setup
    • 4
      Easy implementation
    • 3
      No configuration required
    • 2
      Tolerable UI (default Bootstrap)
    • 1
      Search and filtering
    • 1
      Export data to CSV
    • 1
      Export to JSON
    • 1

    Sign up to add or upvote prosMake informed product decisions

    Cons of pgweb
    Cons of RailsAdmin
      Be the first to leave a con
      • 1
        Not easy to customize

      Sign up to add or upvote consMake informed product decisions

      - No public GitHub repository available -

      What is pgweb?

      This is a web-based browser for PostgreSQL database server. Its written in Go and works on Mac OSX, Linux and Windows machines. Main idea behind using Go for the backend is to utilize language's ability for cross-compile source code for multiple platforms. This project is an attempt to create a very simple and portable application to work with PostgreSQL databases.

      What is RailsAdmin?

      RailsAdmin is a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data.

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      What companies use RailsAdmin?
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      What tools integrate with pgweb?
      What tools integrate with RailsAdmin?
      What are some alternatives to pgweb and RailsAdmin?
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