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Splunk vs Wavefront: What are the differences?


Splunk and Wavefront are both monitoring and analytics platforms that help organizations gain insights from their data. While they have some similarities, there are also key differences that set them apart.

  1. Data Collection and Integration: Splunk is known for its ability to collect and index data from various sources, including logs, metrics, and other structured and unstructured data. It provides multiple options for data ingestion, such as file monitoring, APIs, and database connectors. On the other hand, Wavefront focuses primarily on metrics data and offers seamless integration with popular monitoring tools and frameworks, making it easier to collect and analyze metrics from distributed systems.

  2. Scalability and Performance: Splunk is designed to handle large volumes of data and can scale horizontally to meet the needs of growing organizations. It utilizes distributed indexing and search capabilities to achieve high-performance analytics. In contrast, Wavefront is built on a highly scalable cloud-native architecture that can automatically scale based on the workload. It leverages a time series database to ensure fast and efficient querying of metrics data.

  3. Analytics Capabilities: Splunk offers a wide range of advanced analytics capabilities, including machine learning, correlation searches, and predictive analytics. It provides a powerful search language that allows users to perform complex queries and create custom visualizations. Wavefront, on the other hand, focuses more on real-time analytics and anomaly detection for metrics data. It provides built-in functions and algorithms specifically designed for monitoring and observability use cases.

  4. Alerting and Notification: Splunk provides flexible alerting capabilities that allow users to define conditions and thresholds for triggering alerts. It supports various notification channels, including email, SMS, and third-party integrations. Wavefront also offers alerting functionality but is more focused on proactive monitoring and alert fatigue reduction. It provides intelligent alert deduplication and noise reduction mechanisms to ensure users only receive actionable alerts.

  5. Community and Ecosystem: Splunk has a large and active community of users and developers, with a wide range of apps and add-ons available for extending its functionality. It also has a marketplace for sharing Splunk apps and solutions. Wavefront, on the other hand, has a growing community and ecosystem. It provides open APIs and integrations with popular DevOps and monitoring tools, allowing users to leverage existing infrastructure and workflows.

  6. Total Cost of Ownership: Splunk is known for its enterprise-grade features and can be costly, especially for large deployments. It offers different licensing options, including perpetual and subscription-based licenses. Wavefront, on the other hand, follows a cloud-based pricing model, where users pay based on the amount of data ingested and retained. This can make it more cost-effective for organizations that have dynamic workloads and want to avoid upfront infrastructure investments.

In summary, Splunk and Wavefront have distinct differences in terms of data collection, scalability, analytics capabilities, alerting, community, and pricing model. Organizations need to evaluate their specific requirements and priorities to choose the platform that best suits their needs.

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Pros of Splunk
Pros of Wavefront
  • 3
    API for searching logs, running reports
  • 3
    Alert system based on custom query results
  • 2
    Dashboarding on any log contents
  • 2
    Custom log parsing as well as automatic parsing
  • 2
    Ability to style search results into reports
  • 2
    Query engine supports joining, aggregation, stats, etc
  • 2
    Splunk language supports string, date manip, math, etc
  • 2
    Rich GUI for searching live logs
  • 1
    Query any log as key-value pairs
  • 1
    Granular scheduling and time window support
  • 1
    Custom Visualization
  • 1
    Advanced Math

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Cons of Splunk
Cons of Wavefront
  • 1
    Splunk query language rich so lots to learn
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    What is Splunk?

    It provides the leading platform for Operational Intelligence. Customers use it to search, monitor, analyze and visualize machine data.

    What is Wavefront?

    Enterprise-grade cloud monitoring and analytics at over 1 million data points per second. Reduce downtime. Boost performance. Be at the Wavefront.

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    Centralize and aggregate all your log files for 100% visibility. Use our powerful query language to search through terabytes of log data to discover and analyze important information.
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