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Alternatives to Umbraco

WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal, Microsoft SharePoint, and Kentico are the most popular alternatives and competitors to Umbraco.
+ 1

What is Umbraco and what are its top alternatives?

Umbraco is a popular open-source content management system (CMS) known for its flexibility, scalability, and ease of use. Key features of Umbraco include a customizable and intuitive editor interface, multilingual support, SEO-friendly tools, and a wide range of extensions and plugins for added functionality. However, Umbraco does have some limitations such as a steep learning curve for beginners, limited out-of-the-box features compared to other CMS platforms, and a smaller community compared to more widely used CMSs like WordPress.

  1. WordPress: WordPress is a widely-used CMS known for its user-friendly interface, extensive plugin library, and strong community support. Pros of WordPress include a vast selection of themes and plugins, easy customization, and strong SEO capabilities. Cons include potential security vulnerabilities and performance issues with a large number of plugins.
  2. Drupal: Drupal is a flexible CMS known for its scalability and robust security features. Pros of Drupal include advanced content management capabilities, strong multilingual support, and an active community. However, Drupal has a steeper learning curve compared to Umbraco and may require more technical expertise for customization.
  3. Joomla: Joomla is a versatile CMS with a strong focus on user management and extensibility. Pros of Joomla include a user-friendly interface, a wide range of templates and extensions, and strong multilingual support. Cons include a smaller community compared to other CMS platforms and fewer out-of-the-box features.
  4. Magento: Magento is a popular e-commerce platform known for its robust features and scalability. Pros of Magento include advanced product management, customization options, and strong SEO capabilities. However, Magento can be resource-intensive and may require technical expertise for setup and maintenance.
  5. Shopify: Shopify is a user-friendly e-commerce platform with a focus on simplicity and convenience. Pros of Shopify include easy setup, a wide range of themes and apps, and strong customer support. Cons include limited customization compared to platforms like Umbraco and ongoing subscription fees.
  6. Wix: Wix is a website builder known for its drag-and-drop interface and customizable templates. Pros of Wix include ease of use for beginners, a wide range of design options, and built-in SEO tools. However, Wix may have limitations in terms of scalability and customization compared to Umbraco.
  7. Squarespace: Squarespace is a website builder known for its visually appealing templates and user-friendly design tools. Pros of Squarespace include professional-looking designs, built-in SEO tools, and reliable hosting. Cons include limited customization options and potential platform lock-in.
  8. Ghost: Ghost is a publishing platform known for its simplicity and focus on blogging and content creation. Pros of Ghost include a clean and minimalist editor, built-in SEO tools, and fast performance. However, Ghost may have limitations in terms of customization and advanced features compared to Umbraco.
  9. Contentful: Contentful is a headless CMS known for its flexibility and API-first approach. Pros of Contentful include a structured content model, easy integration with other tools, and strong support for omnichannel content delivery. Cons include potentially higher costs compared to other CMS platforms and a learning curve for beginners.
  10. Strapi: Strapi is an open-source headless CMS known for its flexibility and extensibility. Pros of Strapi include a customizable content model, developer-friendly tools, and a wide range of plugins and integrations. However, Strapi may require more technical expertise for setup and maintenance compared to Umbraco.

Top Alternatives to Umbraco

  • WordPress

    The core software is built by hundreds of community volunteers, and when you’re ready for more there are thousands of plugins and themes available to transform your site into almost anything you can imagine. Over 60 million people have chosen WordPress to power the place on the web they call “home” — we’d love you to join the family. ...

  • Joomla!

    Joomla is a simple and powerful web server application and it requires a server with PHP and either MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server to run it. ...

  • Drupal

    Drupal is an open source content management platform powering millions of websites and applications. It’s built, used, and supported by an active and diverse community of people around the world. ...

  • Microsoft SharePoint
    Microsoft SharePoint

    It empowers teamwork with dynamic and productive team sites for every project team, department, and division. Share and manage content, knowledge, and applications to empower teamwork, quickly find information, and seamlessly collaborate across the organization. ...

  • Kentico

    It is a web content management system for building websites, online stores, intranets, and Web 2.0 community sites. It uses ASP.NET and Microsoft SQL Server for development via its Portal Engine, using Visual Studio, or through Microsoft MVC. Kentico is also compatible with Microsoft Azure. ...

  • Orchard

    Use Docker to run anything you can think of in 2 seconds flat without having to setup or manage servers. ...

  • DNN

    It is the leading open source web content management platform (CMS) in the Microsoft ecosystem. The product is used to build professional looking and easy-to-use commercial websites, social intranets, community portals, or partner extranets. Containing dynamic content of all types, DNN sites are easy to deploy and update. ...

  • Sitefinity

    It is a content management system (CMS) is software that allows customers to make updates and changes to their website without a web developer. ...

Umbraco alternatives & related posts

WordPress logo


A semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability.
+ 1
  • 415
  • 366
    Easy to manage
  • 354
    Plugins & themes
  • 258
    Non-tech colleagues can update website content
  • 247
    Really powerful
  • 145
    Rapid website development
  • 78
    Best documentation
  • 51
  • 44
    Product feature set
  • 35
    Custom/internal social network
  • 18
    Open source
  • 8
    Great for all types of websites
  • 7
    Huge install and user base
  • 5
    Perfect example of user collaboration
  • 5
    Open Source Community
  • 5
    Most websites make use of it
  • 5
    It's simple and easy to use by any novice
  • 5
  • 5
    I like it like I like a kick in the groin
  • 4
  • 4
    API-based CMS
  • 3
    Easy To use
  • 2
    <a href="https://secure.wphackedhel">Easy Beginner</a>
  • 13
    Hard to keep up-to-date if you customize things
  • 13
    Plugins are of mixed quality
  • 10
    Not best backend UI
  • 2
    Complex Organization
  • 1
    Do not cover all the basics in the core
  • 1
    Great Security

related WordPress posts

Dale Ross
Independent Contractor at Self Employed · | 22 upvotes · 1.6M views

I've heard that I have the ability to write well, at times. When it flows, it flows. I decided to start blogging in 2013 on Blogger. I started a company and joined BizPark with the Microsoft Azure allotment. I created a WordPress blog and did a migration at some point. A lot happened in the time after that migration but I stopped coding and changed cities during tumultuous times that taught me many lessons concerning mental health and productivity. I eventually graduated from BizSpark and outgrew the credit allotment. That killed the WordPress blog.

I blogged about writing again on the existing Blogger blog but it didn't feel right. I looked at a few options where I wouldn't have to worry about hosting cost indefinitely and Jekyll stood out with GitHub Pages. The Importer was fairly straightforward for the existing blog posts.

Todo * Set up redirects for all posts on blogger. The URI format is different so a complete redirect wouldn't work. Although, there may be something in Jekyll that could manage the redirects. I did notice the old URLs were stored in the front matter. I'm working on a command-line Ruby gem for the current plan. * I did find some of the lost WordPress posts on that I downloaded with the waybackmachinedownloader. I think I might write an importer for that. * I still have a few Disqus comment threads to map

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A White
Front End Web Dev at Burnt Design · | 21 upvotes · 61.2K views

Below is my own professional history to give some context to my current skill set. I have been a front-end dev for 18 years. My tools of choice are:

  • HTML5
  • CSS 3
  • JavaScript
  • WordPress
  • PHP (but not my strongest skill as I don't write it too often)

I first of all would like to become a better and more 'full stack' developer, and I have a business idea that will hopefully allow me to move in this direction. The queries I have will result in which approach I take here. One of the most important aspects to me is the system being 'future proof'. If successful I know I will eventually bring additional developers on board, and they will likely be better developers than me! I want to avoid them having to rebuild the system and would like it to be something that they can just expand and improve on.

The business which I'd like to create is the following (in a nutshell), I have ideas for many more features, but this is how I'd like to begin:

Web-based system for gym management & marketing. Specifically a class-based gym

  1. One-stop shop for a class-based gym owner
  2. Sell memberships
  3. Manage class bookings
  4. Reporting
  5. Automatically generated website
  6. Choose a pre-designed template and amend the content through their dashboard
  7. Marketing
  8. Easily send a newsletter to members
  9. Book a free trial form on the website linked directly to the booking system

Important requirements

  1. One system, one dashboard. I would like the gym owner to have one place to control everything. Members, marketing, and website amendments.
  2. Future proof. These features are the bare minimum and I'd like to keep expanding on the features as time goes on. Things like uploading programming for members, messaging between members and admin, and selling merchandise via the website.
  3. Fast to load & secure. I live in the WordPress world right now, which isn't the fastest or most secure environment. I appreciate there are better ways to develop a system like this, but I'm a little clueless about where to start.
  4. Mobile. The data created should easily communicate with a mobile app that customers will download to manage their memberships and class bookings.

TIA to anybody that can provide some guidance on where to start here.

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Joomla! logo


A content management system helping both novice users and expert developers to create powerful websites and applications
+ 1
  • 17
    Powerful extension architecture
  • 6
    Powerfull CMS
  • 5
    Mid-Hight End level CMS
  • 4
    Highly customizable
  • 2
    Vast repository of free and paid extensions
  • 2
    Extensions & Templates
  • 1
    Multilingual in the core
  • 1
    Depleting dev community

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Helfried Plenk
Senior Partner at IBS IT-DL GmbH · | 1 upvote · 673.8K views
Shared insights

installing a local Joomla! 3.9 website for testing - I already downloaded an installed XAMPP - when now reading some other docs I found mentioned MAMP ... have I to change?

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Drupal logo


Free, Open, Modular CMS written in PHP
+ 1
  • 75
    Stable, highly functional cms
  • 60
    Great community
  • 44
    Easy cms to make websites
  • 43
    Highly customizable
  • 22
    Digital customer experience delivery platform
  • 17
    Really powerful
  • 16
  • 11
  • 10
    Good tool for prototyping
  • 9
    Enterprise proven over many years when others failed
  • 8
    Headless adds even more power/flexibility
  • 8
    Open source
  • 7
    Each version becomes more intuitive for clients to use
  • 7
    Well documented
  • 6
    Lego blocks methodology
  • 4
    Caching and performance
  • 3
  • 3
    Built on Symfony
  • 3
    Can build anything
  • 2
  • 1
    API-based CMS
  • 1
    Steep learning curve
  • 1

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Hi, I am working as a web developer (PHP, Laravel, AngularJS, and MySQL) with more than 8 years of experience and looking for a tech stack that pays better. I have a little bit of knowledge of Core Java. For better opportunities, Should I learn Java, Spring Boot or Python. Or should I learn Drupal, WordPress or Magento? Any guidance would be really appreciated! Thanks.

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Hi. I’m a lead developer in charge of designing the build for version 2.0 of our startup SaaS website which is currently a traditional Drupal 7 site. I’m just looking for some peer advice that I am headed down an ok path now the product has grown & changed. tl;dr; 1) Is building a decoupled/headless Drupal 10 site with a JavaScript framework a dumb idea? 2) Should I look to a different headless CMS? 3) React or Vue.js or (other) in 2022?

Our requirements for our new site include

  • White labeling / multisite spawning (will need separate databases for each)
  • Complex permissions and several user roles
  • Robust security
  • Mobile app capability for iOS (for now - Android in the future)
  • Multilingual capability
  • Easy user management/creation by non-devs
  • Reporting capabilities
  • Some basic “marketing” pages (but this could be separate from the web app I suppose)
  • A large amount of hosted video/image assets on AWS or similar
  • Weekly/daily CRON jobs to send out emails & reports

Being that I am experienced in Drupal & PHP, my thought was to build a headless site with a Vue.js or React as the front end in Drupal 10. I've only got minimal experience in either JS framework so I'm not sure which I should choose to skill up. Does this seem reasonable or am I barking up the wrong tree?

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Microsoft SharePoint logo

Microsoft SharePoint

Content collaboration for the modern workplace
+ 1
  • 3
    Great online support
  • 1
  • 1
    Perfect version control
  • 1
    Stable Platform
  • 1
    Seamless intergration with MS Office
  • 2
    Rigid, hard to add external applicaions
  • 1
    User interface. Steep learning curve, old-fashioned

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Tyson Fowler
Senior Analytics Consultant at ArcBlue Consulting · | 7 upvotes · 33.3K views

Currently, we are using WordPress in the organisation to deliver content externally to clients via a portal. However, we have installed way too many plugins for our liking, and they are starting to conflict with one another. Also, there were issues around scalability in the way we initially designed it. A few people in the organisation are leaning toward a Microsoft SharePoint solution using Livetiles, but we've been told it is mainly geared towards internal/intranet solutions as opposed to external solutions (which we provide). I was wondering if anyone has some high-level thoughts to share in regards to moving to a Microsoft Sharepoint environment vs. a more flexible solution like Umbraco.

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Hey everyone, My users love Microsoft Excel, and so do I. I've been making tools for them in the form of workbooks for years, these tools usually have databases included in the spreadsheets or communicate to free APIs around the web, but now I want to distribute these tools in the form of Excel Add-ins for several reasons.

I want these Add-ins to communicate to a personal server to authorize users, read from my databases, and write to them while they're using their Excel environment. I have never built a website, so what would be a good solution for this, considering I'm new to all of these technologies? I know about the existence of Microsoft Azure, Microsoft SharePoint, and Google Sheets, but I don't know how to feel about those.

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Kentico logo


An all-in-one ASP.NET CMS
+ 1
    Be the first to leave a pro
    • 1

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            Used to create, store, manage, and present content on your website
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