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Snyk vs WhiteSource: What are the differences?

Introduction: In the world of software development, it is crucial to prioritize and manage security vulnerabilities efficiently. Snyk and WhiteSource are two prominent tools that provide security solutions to deal with vulnerabilities in software applications. Both tools offer unique features, but they also have key differences. In this analysis, we will outline the main differences between Snyk and WhiteSource.

1. Integration Capability: Snyk excels in its ability to integrate seamlessly into various development workflows, including Git, GitHub, Bitbucket, Azure DevOps, and more. It offers robust integrations with popular code repositories and continuous integration tools, enabling developers to easily access and fix vulnerabilities within their development environment. On the other hand, while WhiteSource also provides integrations with repositories and CI/CD tools like Jira and Jenkins, its integration options are relatively more limited compared to Snyk.

2. Support for Programming Languages: Both Snyk and WhiteSource support a wide range of programming languages commonly used in software development, such as Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, etc. However, Snyk offers a more extensive language support and has additional features specifically designed for specific ecosystems like Node.js and containerized applications. This comprehensive language coverage gives Snyk an edge when it comes to diverse software development projects.

3. Remediation Recommendations: Snyk stands out with its robust remediation advice and actionable recommendations to fix vulnerabilities. It provides clear and specific guidance on how to address each vulnerability, including code changes or library updates. Snyk also offers patches and automatically suggests fixes to make the vulnerability resolution process more efficient. Although WhiteSource also offers remediation information, its level of granularity and actionable recommendations are not as comprehensive as Snyk.

4. Continuous Monitoring and Real-time Alerts: Snyk offers continuous monitoring capabilities, allowing developers to be alerted in real-time whenever new vulnerabilities are discovered in their codebase or dependencies. It can proactively detect and notify developers about newly disclosed vulnerabilities, ensuring that the project remains up-to-date with the latest security patches. While WhiteSource does provide monitoring features, its real-time alerting system might not be as immediate or proactive as Snyk's.

5. Pricing and Licensing Model: The pricing and licensing models of Snyk and WhiteSource also differ significantly. Snyk offers flexible pricing options that cater to different use cases, including free plans for open-source projects and paid plans for commercial use. Their pricing is often based on the number of users, projects, or vulnerability tests. WhiteSource, on the other hand, generally follows an enterprise-oriented pricing structure, which may not be as suitable for smaller development teams or open-source projects.

6. Reporting and Analytics Capabilities: Both Snyk and WhiteSource provide detailed reports and analytics on security vulnerabilities, including various metrics and visualizations. However, Snyk offers more advanced reporting capabilities, such as vulnerability trending and benchmarking against industry standards. Snyk's reporting features provide deeper insights into the overall security posture of the development projects and assist in making informed decisions regarding vulnerability management.

In Summary, Snyk and WhiteSource differ in terms of integration capability, language support, remediation recommendations, continuous monitoring, pricing and licensing model, and reporting/analytics capabilities, making each tool unique in its own way.

Advice on Snyk and WhiteSource
Bryan Dady
SRE Manager at Subsplash · | 5 upvotes · 432.4K views

I'm beginning to research the right way to better integrate how we achieve SCA / shift-left / SecureDevOps / secure software supply chain. If you use or have evaluated WhiteSource, Snyk, Sonatype Nexus, SonarQube or similar, I would very much appreciate your perspective on strengths and weaknesses and how you selected your ultimate solution. I want to integrate with GitLab CI.

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Replies (1)
Moises Figueroa
DevOps Engineer at Ingenium Code · | 2 upvotes · 29.1K views

I'd recommend Snyk since it provides an IDE extension for Developers, SAST, auto PR security fixes, container, IaC and includes open source scanning as well. I like their scoring method as well for better prioritization. I was able to remove most of the containers and cli tools I had in my pipelines since Snyk covers secrets, vulns, security and some code cleaning. SAST has false positives but the scoring helps. Also had to spend time putting some training docs but their engineers helped out with content.

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Pros of Snyk
Pros of WhiteSource
  • 10
    Github Integration
  • 5
    Free for open source projects
  • 4
    Finds lots of real vulnerabilities
  • 1
    Easy to deployed
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    Cons of Snyk
    Cons of WhiteSource
    • 2
      Does not integrated with SonarQube
    • 1
      No malware detection
    • 1
      No surface monitoring
    • 1
      Complex UI
    • 1
      False positives
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      What is Snyk?

      Automatically find & fix vulnerabilities in your code, containers, Kubernetes, and Terraform

      What is WhiteSource?

      The leading solution for agile open source security and license compliance management, WhiteSource integrates with the DevOps pipeline to detect vulnerable open source libraries in real-time.

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      What companies use WhiteSource?
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      What tools integrate with WhiteSource?

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      Blog Posts

      What are some alternatives to Snyk and WhiteSource?
      Aikido Security
      It is a developer-first software security app. It scans your source code & cloud to show you which vulnerabilities are actually important to solve. We speed up triaging by massively reducing false positives and making CVEs human-readable.
      SonarQube provides an overview of the overall health of your source code and even more importantly, it highlights issues found on new code. With a Quality Gate set on your project, you will simply fix the Leak and start mechanically improving.
      Black Duck
      It is a solution that helps development teams manage risks that come with the use of open source. It gives you complete visibility into open source management, combining sophisticated, multi-factor open source detection capabilities with the Black Duck KnowledgeBase.
      Gemnasium keeps track of projects dependencies. Ruby, Node.js, PHP composer, Bower and Python projects dependencies are automatically parsed, and notifications sent when new versions are released or security advisories are published.
      GitHub is the best place to share code with friends, co-workers, classmates, and complete strangers. Over three million people use GitHub to build amazing things together.
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